A young girl riding a wave on a surfboard in the rain

Feeling Broken Inside? Here’s What to Do

February 7, 2020

Life comes with its set of ups and downs, and sometimes, we get tested in ways we wouldn’t have imagined. And humans, being emotional creatures that we are, feel broken and lost. If that’s something you’re going through and you seem to be drowning in the sea of hopelessness and despair and are feeling broken, here’s something to get you to stay sane and find your path.

Read on to discover some actionable ways to start feeling more like yourself.

Don’t Fight your Feelings

The first step to finding peace even when you’re broken is to accept your feelings and honour them, instead of fighting them. You might be putting on a happy face even after everything, but if what you really want to do is curl up into a ball and cry for 2 days straight, do it. Hiding your feelings is only going to make it worse.

Accept the Power of Choice

One of the simplest ways to tackle any negative feelings, thoughts or emotions you’ve been experiencing is to remember that even after it all, you still have the power to make choices and arrive at your own decisions. Remind yourself that the actions you take today can and will make a difference in your life, and even if things aren’t right now, you have the power to make them. 

Ask for Help When you Need it

This one’s a biggie! A lot of us feel shy and awkward opening up to others and asking for help. We like to put on a strong front and show that we’re in control. Remember that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. More often than not, it is the support and compassion that we get from our friends and family that help us overcome the tough times in life. 

A woman lying on a bed

Focus More on the Present

Focusing more on the present aka practising mindfulness has many benefits. Make it a point to be more in the present rather than dwelling over the past or worrying about the future. When you bring mindfulness into your life, you’ll notice how you feel more grounded and centred, and are less likely to feel anxious and overwhelmed by your emotions. 

Spend Time in Self Care

Self-care is absolutely important, and even more so when you’re going through a tough time. Spend more time doing things that make you happy, relaxed and at peace. When things aren’t going right, it can be easy to get caught up in those overwhelming feelings and emotions, and that’s exactly when you need to take care of yourself and find the happy moments, and indulge in them.

Invest in Self Development

In addition to showing self care, it’s important to focus on personal growth. Becoming a better version of yourself will quickly start to rebuild those broken pieces. Moreover, the journey can be as rewarding for your mindset as the destination. Working towards a promotion in your career is a great long-term option. Meanwhile, fitness and body image can improve with almost immediate results. Electric mountain bikes are ideal for all fitness levels as the assisted pedalling can be used as required. If used for commuting, the purchase will pay for itself in the long run.

Even without those financial vindications, the positive impact on the quality and duration of your life is huge. It’ll drag you out of a difficult time and guide you towards a brighter future.

Remember that it is Temporary

Last, but not the least, remind yourself that life is a series of ups and downs, and while it may not seem like things are getting any better, you’ll actually be able to get through it. You might be feeling broken now, but that’s just temporary. There will be a time when you’ll look back at it all and wonder why you were even worrying so much about it. 

Organisations you can reach out to for support

The Samaritans are there 24 hours a day for anyone who needs to talk or is struggling – 116123

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