A person holding a sign


May 1, 2014

Back in March a Facebook friend recommended that I take a look at a post that Cafe Bebe had published about embracing happiness. It is a beautiful post and I suggest that you all pop over and give it a read. The main principles of Embrace Happy is finding three good things about your day, it doesn’t have to be the grand gestures that whilst we would love them they don’t necessarily happen all that often. Instead Cafe Bebe challenges us to look closer to home, did you have your favourite food for tea? did the children get ready for school with no arguments? or even something as simple as taking a hot bath undisturbed.

There was also something very special about that post, the opportunity to receive some happy mail. I, like most of you reading this can probably count on one hand the number of times you have received something nice in the post. It is either junk mail, bills or takeaway menus heading through my letterbox, I’d like to pick up my mail, flick through and find something unexpected.

I have been lucky enough to receive two items of happy mail since March, the first from Cafe Bebe who not only send me a beautiful handmade card but included some inspiration words inside to help me along my #EmbraceHappy journey.


My second piece of happy mail came from Minibreak Mummy, which has to be one of the greatest cards I have ever seen. A fuzzy felts card that should I want to I can move and change the picture, however I like to believe that it was placed my Minibreak Mummy with care and attention so I don’t want to change it.


Since that first post about embracing happiness by Cafe Bebe she has started a site dedicated to it, Embrace Happy, please pop over and take a look at her happiness journey. There is also a Embrace Happy Facebook group for anyone wanting to join in with the Embrace Happy challenge, Karin has been setting daily challenges which I haven’t been so great and joining in with but I hope to get myself more organised and join in.

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