Doubt - Word of the week

Doubt {Word of the week}

May 23, 2014

At long last I have finally gotten round to joining in with The Reading Residence Word of the Week linky. 

{Word of the week}

Reading from the sidelines each week to see just how different everyone’s lives truly are, whether they are sharing something happy, something sad, an accomplishment or just another normal week.

This week has been a little difficult for me personally, no major crisis to report or anything like that, just a week filled with…

Doubt - Word of the week

Doubt ~ verb (used without an object)

  • to be uncertain about something; be undecided in opinion or belief

Doubt ~ noun

  • a feeling of uncertainty about the truth, reality, or nature of something
  • distrust
  • a state of affairs such as to occasion uncertainty
  • Obsolete fear; dread

This week has seen me look at blogging in a new light. I have been blogging for almost three years and whilst I have had some amazing opportunities I have become to doubt my blog. My little corner of the internet. My outlet, or at least it once was but I feel as though I have lost my voice, my reason for blogging in the first place.


Whilst on the whole I love my job, I feel it is something that I excel at however this week after our usual monthly meeting I began to doubt whether my work and that of my colleagues is valued by those higher up the management chain. Our concerns and issues are brushed off and no real action comes from it all so why do we bother? why do we try so hard for our patients and their relatives?


Earlier this week I woke feeling a little shaky, after the school run I attempted to carry on my day as normal however it was clear that I was not myself. In truth I was anxious, doubtful of my every action. I sat down took some deep breaths (had a little cry – as you do) and attempted to pull myself together, however after a few weeks of restless nights and weird dreams it would appear that my body and my mind are not in balance and I can’t quite work out why.


I have recently started my weightloss journey with Slimming World, a change of lifestyle. I have seen some amazing results from people who have attended Slimming World, however I have seen those who have attended for weeks and weeks to have only lost, then gained, lost and gained again. My weightloss is slow (which is better in the long run) and I have doubt in my will power as to whether I will be a success story or a serial dieter.

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