A bedroom with a bed in a room

Decorating Your Child’s Room? Here’s How To Make It Easier On Both Of You

November 9, 2016

Is it time that you redecorated your child’s bedroom? Even though it may be in desperate need of a lick of paint, you might be dragging your heels. Many parents aren’t too keen to decorate their children’s bedrooms as it can turn very stressful very quickly! Your child may not enjoy moving out of their bedroom while the decorating is getting done. And you will have to deal with their tantrums while trying to sort their room out! All in all, it isn’t a very enjoyable time for anyone involved. But there are some ways you can cut down on the stress for you and your child. Here’s how…

A bedroom with a bed and a chair in a room

Ask Your Child For Their Ideas

One of the main reasons children argue with their parents about their new bedroom is because they don’t get what they want. As it is your house, you don’t have to give them everything they ask for. However, you should listen to their ideas and let them have as much input into the new style and decor as possible. So ask them what colour they want their room to be. Show them a selection of carpets that they can choose from. And ask them if they can think of any seasonal home furnishings that they might like in their bedroom.

Do The Decorating When They Aren’t Home

If possible, you should do all the decorating when they aren’t at home. The best time is during the week when they are at school. This way, they won’t be around to bother you and get under your feet. If you work full-time, you may find it difficult to find the time to decorate when the kids are at school. There is a way around this, though. Arrange for them to go around to see a friend or their grandparents one weekend day. While they are out, try to do as much of the work as you can. If you need to, you can always see if they can stay with their grandparents overnight to give you, even more, time.

Do It Bit By Bit

Are you finding it really hard to find the time to redecorate the whole room? Don’t stress; you can simply break up the decorating and do it bit by bit. For instance, spend one day repainting or wallpapering the walls. This shouldn’t take too long. Then, give yourself a break and re-carpet the room in a couple of weeks. Breaking it up like this and doing the whole room over a long period can make it all manageable. And it also cuts down on the time your child has to move out of their room and sleep in the spare bedroom. I’m sure they’ll be super happy about that!

Get A Professional In

If you would rather do everything at once to get it over and done with, call in a professional decorator and designer. They will be able to do all the room very quickly. This will come in extremely handy if you are struggling to find any spare time to take care of the decorating.

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