Do you dare to dream? (ID 9085)

Do you dare to dream?

October 2, 2014

When we are young we are encouraged to follow our dreams, whether we dreamt to be a Princess, a rock star or even a really useful engine. There comes a point in our lives when we realise that some of our dreams are just that, a dream… something that we will never fulfil, not matter how hard we try – not every gets to marry a Prince and become a real-life Princess.

Whilst some dreams will always be just a fantasy, there are some dreams that might take you a year or two to fulfil or others that may take lifetime but you get there in the end.

Should we ever stop dreaming about the things we want in our life?

For the things we want to achieve?

And for the things we want to earn in our life?

Personally I dream of moving to a bigger home, one where we have a hallway instead of the front door opening into our living room. I dream that house also has a garden that allows Roo and Tigger to play outside and have barbecues in the summer.

Sharing others dreams

As we all have different dreams I wanted to see what others are dreaming for…

  • To own our own home – All you need is love and cake
  • To be happy at all time. I understand that there’ll be ups and downs and that’s fine as it’s a part of life, but if someone asks me how I am, I want to be happy overall – whatever that means at different stages in my life – Mummy Alarm
  • To fulfil Gods will for my life (in whatever form that may take) – Mummy from the heart
  • Happiness and security – Mummy Never Sleeps
  • To be able to provide financial security for my young family, with time to spare to see them grow – Stacey Corrin
  • To have enough money not to have to worry about affording things for us – Frugal Family
  • A cruise and health for the whole family – Tired Mummy of Two
  • Peace of mind for me for now and for my kids as they grow – Older Single Mum
  • To see more of the amazing world, tick more places off our family bucket (and spade list) the northern lights, safari in the Serengeti, be in awe of the Grand Canyon and experience Zanzibar – Parent Shaped
  • Getting our home properly decorated/finished – Pink Oddy
  • Happiness and contentment. To be grateful for what I have and not aspiring for just material possessions – Being Mrs C 
  • That my kids do well and are happy at school… that it all somehow works out with joy all around – Red Ted Art
  • To be truly happy…and to somehow sneak my way into the county golf team – Seasider in the City


Do you dare to dream?

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