A bedroom with a bed in a room

Create the perfect long lasting nursery

March 7, 2016

Whether you are having just one child, planning on having more children down the road or you just about to have your last baby creating the perfect long lasting nursery is something you need to give some serious thought. Whilst, at first, it is easy to think that it is just a room that your baby will sleep in, it is in fact much more than that. It is the room that you will feed and change your baby even if this is just overnight. It is the room that your baby will spend time in after their bath to wind down ready for sleep. 

It is the room that you will feed and change your baby even if this is just overnight. It is the room that your baby will spend time in after their bath to wind down ready for sleep, as you read them a bedtime story and give them another snuggle before they finally drift off to the land of nod. As they get older it is the room which houses their toys, their books and lets their imagination run wild as they create hideaway dens and dress up as Princesses or Knights.

Create the perfect long lasting nursery

This one room has to achieve so much, so instead of having to decorate or buy new furniture and accessories a year or two down the line making the right choices now will create the perfect long lasting nursery for your little one.

A bedroom with a bed in a room

Nursery Furniture

The mistake that many new parents make when buying nursery furniture is that they don’t appreciate just how long their little one will be using the various items.

A large bed in a roomTake the humble cot bed, you might just think that they will only be using it for a couple of years so no need to purchase something that will last beyond that, however, you’d be wrong. The average child can use a cot bed up until they are five or six years old depending on how tall they are, so purchasing a high quality, long lasting cot bed will pay dividends in the end. 

Finding high quality, solid, long lasting nursery furniture doesn’t have to be expensive. Take the new Oak Furniture Land nursery rangemade from solid hardwood the range is built to last (I’m sure you have all seen the ‘knock on wood’ adverts). Buying a complete nursery furniture set will tie in all the key elements to the room whilst looking fantastic and providing long lasting storage.


A close up of a computerRather than opting for that bold, statement nursery with a painted animals or letters along the walls, try to decorate using a theme that will grow as your baby does. There is a growing trend at the moment for white walls which are dressing with accessories that can be easily changed. Whilst I can see the benefit in this I do feel that a nursery requires some warmth.

Personally, I would paint three of the walls a neutral beige (dare I say magnolia) with the remaining wall becoming your statement wall. Choosing a wallpaper that has a gentle pattern to it will brighten up the room and adding accessories around the room to match this will tie in the design. Take this wallpaper from B&Q, the delicate green and pink hearts provide a cute design that will still look good in a toddlers or pre-schoolers bedroom.


A close up of a bagAccessories are a girl’s best friend and the same is true when it comes to home decor. Adding those finishing touches of a soft warm rug under your feet, which will double up as a play mat for your baby will add warmth to the room. Photos, quotes, and even wall stickers will brighten up the neutral walls and add that personal to the room. These can easily be changed as baby grows and they need new inspirational memento’s to look at.

Selecting bedding which will not only keep your little one warm and snuggly but has similar tones to your statement wall will help the design tie-in. Take this gorgeous knit blanket from Little Chickie, the neutral tones mean that this blanket is pulled out and used time and time again. Whether it’s as an extra layer on a cold winters night, something to snuggle under as you read them a bedtime story or one that they will wrap their dolls and superheroes in when they play families.

How did you create your perfect nursery?

A stuffed animal on a bed

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post, however,
this is what Piglet’s new nursery will look like once we move (finally) home.

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