Coughs and sneezes, spread diseases

November 9, 2012
A close up of a sign
Working in a hospital I am surrounded by the threat of infection all the time but by taking simple precautions you really can help to stop the spread of germs.

  • Wash your hands as soon as possible after coughing or sneezing – even if you have used a tissue. Also not just after the toilet but before handling food or crockery which either yourself or someone else is going to use/consume.
  • Carry alcohol gel or similar with you for use when hand washing is not possible.
  • Use tissues to catch your sneezes and throw away immediately. Do not use a hankerchief as they allow germs to multiply during each use.
  • Use a natural nasal spray such as Sterimar to keep your nose clean, fresh and moist.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to keep your system in balance.
  • Get regular exercise to keep your blood flowing, help oxygenate and increase your sweating to help strengthen your own virus killing defenses.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits to keep your levels of vitamins and natural chemicals.
  • Yogurt can be beneficial bacteria stimulating your immune system.
  • Cut alcohol to reduce dehydration and also assist your immune function.

Boo xxx
Disclosure Policy: I have received a fee for being a Stérimar® Mummy this does not effect my thoughts and feelings on the products.

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