Step By Step Way To Repaint A Room

Home Renovation 101: The Correct Way To Repaint A Room

August 4, 2023


Repainting a room is one of the easiest home renovation tasks out there. It doesn’t seem like much, but some fresh paint will reinvigorate interiors and make them look way better. You might assume that painting a room is easy, but many mistakes can be made. So, we’ve created this quick guide to show the correct way of renovating rooms with a new coat of paint! 

Step By Step Way To Repaint A Room

Step By Step Way To Repaint A Room
Decorating Equipment On House Plans | Image Credit:

Step 1: Get all the supplies

Your supplies list will look like this: 

  • Interior paint
  • Primer
  • Paint brushes
  • Paint rollers 
  • Painter’s tape
  • Cloths
  • Trays
  • Something to help you reach high places

The hardest thing here is choosing the right paint for your rooms. Color choice doesn’t really matter as it’s your preference, but choose a high-quality interior paint that’s built to last and won’t chip or flake away easily. 

Step 2: Prepare the area

Next, you need to get the room ready for repainting. This’ll mean removing any items from the walls and possibly getting rid of furniture. If you can, empty the room so it’s bare. If not, protect furniture and objects by laying cloth or throws over them. 

You’ll then have to clean the walls and ceiling, looking for any small cracks. Fill any cracks you find so there’s a nice smooth surface to paint on. Use your painter’s tape to cover areas that aren’t going to be painted. This includes the trim around the bottom of walls, light switches, etc. At the same time, lay down a big drip cloth along your flooring to protect it from paint drops. 

The final stage of this step involves applying primer to the walls and ceiling. This will help the paint stick a lot better, reducing drippage and leading to a better coating. 

Step By Step Way To Repaint A Room
Painting of an empty wall | Image Credit:

Step 3: Paint the ceiling

You should always paint the ceiling before the walls. Why? Because it’s the most difficult part of the process, but also because it stops paint from dripping down onto the freshly painted walls and causing splodges. 

For this task, you should use something to help you reach high. A ladder can work, but a mobile scaffold is much safer. From here, start with a brush and paint around the edges of the ceiling. Then, use the roller to cover the middle area. Try to keep the coat of paint as thin as possible – you will go back over it a couple of times anyway. 

Let one coat dry before applying the next until you’ve got at least two coats on there. 

Step 4: Paint the walls

Then, start painting the walls from top to bottom. Begin again with a brush around the edges before transferring to rollers for the bulk of the task. The same principles apply here; thin coats layered on top of one another provide the best finish. 

Step By Step Way To Repaint A Room
Man repainting a large wall with a roller | Image Credit:

Step 5: Touch up & get the room ready

Once all of your paint is dry, you can go around inspecting it to see if any minor touch-ups are needed. When you’re satisfied with the job, remove all of your painter’s tape and cloths so the room can go back to normal. 

Just like that, you’ve repainted a room and given it a fresh new look. A splash of color can be all that’s needed to renovate old interiors. 

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