In two short weeks I will be returning to work following my maternity leave (technically my maternity leave finished in July and I am now using up some of my annual leave entitlement).
I can’t believe I have been off work for a year, I was signed off sick from the end of August last year until my maternity leave started at the end of October. Now Tigger is nearly 10 months old and I have to leave him in childcare whilst I return three days a week.
Originally we had planned that I would only return for 3 months (so I won’t have to pay back my companies maternity allowance), however, once we looked into our finances it wasn’t to be. So I am reducing my hours from 25 to 18 worked over three days (9.00am – 3.00pm). I should count myself lucky really my managers have been really supportive in allowing me to reduce my hours and work fuller days.

My new hours will allow me to take and collect Roo to school every day (can’t believe she is starting full time, where has the time gone?). As well as taking and collecting Tigger from childcare. The only thorn in my side is that since Roo attended the nursery Tigger is attending they have changed their hours slightly and now open at 8.30am instead of 8.00am so now I am going to have a mad rush in the mornings (which is probably a good thing, a good kick up the butt).
My new routine will be (Mon, Wed & Fri):
7.45am – Leave home to drop Roo off at Breakfast club at 8.00am (school starts at 8.30am)
8.30am – Drop Tigger at childcare
9.00am – Start work (if I manage to get there in time)
3.00pm – Finish work
3.15pm – School Roo from school
4.00pm – Collecting Tigger from childcare
Luckily, all three places are within a 15min walking distance so I should (fingers crossed) be able to pull this off.
Just really apprehensive about returning, I need a big dose of positive thinking
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