A person in a blue dress

Cinderella, Love Songs and Friends #LittleLoves

March 10, 2017

I’m a bit all over the place this week. I feel as though I have been here, there and everywhere. It’s been a week for sorting out bits and pieces which is good in that a few lingering jobs on the to-do list are finally crossed off… but I’m shattered.


School reports – My children’s school opt not to hold parents evening in the spring terms so send home reports. Tigger has settled into Year One well and has realised that he only has a set amount of time to complete a task so he needs to knuckle down and get on with it. Roo, on the whole, is doing well, she is a popular member of her class and is very helpful towards the teaching staff. However, she is meeting her targets but cruising through the year rather than trying to push herself further. So we have spoken about how she can apply herself more during school and on her homework – time will tell whether she listens to us or not.


Cinderella on Netflix – I’d intended to watch this with Roo and Tigger last Friday after school, however, they decided that they had better things to do. So Piglet and I snuggled up on the sofa to enjoy the magic of Cinderella – I do love Disney films.

A person in a blue dress


I’m a bit of a sucker for love (as you may have guessed), so this week I was so very pleased to find a Timeless Love Songs playlist on Spotify. I’ve been enjoying listening to the classic love songs, which I just can’t help but sing along to.


After finally clearing out our chest freezer, we decided it was time to refill it so a trip back to our favourite local butchers. Although we might have moved 45 minutes away we always make the trip back to stock up. We managed to get quite a lot of different meats and I spent the afternoon splitting t up into portions and labelling food containers. So nice to be able to pull out a container or two as needed rather than having food going to waste.


Nothing exciting this week. As I have been busy it has been my standard mum uniform of jeans and stripy tops – pretty boring but practical.


Despite all my toing and froing this week I did manage to catch up with some good friends. A natter, some laughter and a can of diet coke can soon make the world a better place.

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