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The party’s on
The spirit’s up
We’re here tonight
And that’s enough
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
In the twinkle of a Christmas light and another chocolate eaten, Christmas for the most part is over another year. I hope you all had yourself a merry little Christmas with whomever you share your festivities with. All the build-up to the big day and it is gone so quickly but the Christmas memories made can last a lifetime. Just like in recent years we enjoyed a small family Christmas with just the five of us at home. I’d say quiet but all the best Christmasses are never quiet – it’s a season to be enjoyed.
Festive fun at home

Christmas Eve Family Games Night
During the run-up to Christmas Piglet missed the last week of school due to an outbreak of Covid in her class bubble – thankfully testing negative one her PCR. Having her home without the older two enabled her to enjoy some one on one time with me and What The Dad Said. Selecting various family games to enjoy with us, something that Roo and Tigger picked up once they were home from school.
We’d had the forethought to add new family games underneath the Christmas tree this year for some family festive fun. Opting to introduce Piglet to the classic board games world of Monopoly. Whilst she isn’t ready for the full-on competitiveness that the game brings, we were able to kickstart things with Monopoly Junior – which after landing on a few Chance spaces can be just as competitive as the original game.
Although we tend to enjoy family games nights across the year, I did love us all sitting together in front of the tree with a Christmas movie playing in the background. I’ll be adding Christmas Eve family games night to our traditions for the years to come.

Festive Films
Growing up I have always loved festive films, although, I do feel I was a little limited on choice. Recent years have brought so many more festive films to the table, something we have been loving and watching since the beginning of November. Some that we know so well and can be played in the background whilst we complete tasks or play games. Ghost others had us snuggling up on the sofa together to watch the festive offering unfold.
Christmas Re-Runs
Would it even be Christmas without a re-run or two? From watching the Top Gear specials, the Vicar of Dibley squeeze in another Brussel sprout, The Royale Family and Gavin & Stacey. We are old enough now to say that they don’t make TV shows like they used to. But there is something so familiar, so comforting by watching the TV Christmas specials. Laughing along to jokes and antics, whilst they pull on your heartstrings for various reasons.

Dear Santa, we’ve been good all year (kind of)
Whilst finishing off the wrapping of the last presents the week before Christmas I scolded myself for groaning about the amount of time taken to wrap gifts vs the amount of time it takes for them to be opened. It always feels as though I spend eternity wrapping all the gifts for the children and family & friends but the fun of unwrapping is over in seconds.
Christmas stockings
As always we had a staggered approach to opening Christmas presents. Finding that they are appreciated more and are fewer meltdowns if they are spread over the day. Kickstarting things with stockings before breakfast. A few little treats for the kiddies to enjoy with a couple of late additions from KAP Toys who kindly sent over Among Us Mystery Capsules and Harry Potter Magical Capsules.

Gifts from us
After breakfast, it was time to open their sacks and gifts from us. Taking it in turns to open gifts and show off what had been received, Naturally, everyone received a new pair of pyjamas (or two), as they know it wouldn’t be Christmas (or a birthday) without new ones from me – you can never have too many PJ’s. Seeing the look on the kiddies faces as they opened their gifts to find things from their wishlists plus a few extra treats. It truly is magical and makes all the hard work that goes in ahead of Christmas all worth it.
A chance to play with new toys, explore gifts and download games etc all happening whilst What The Dad Said completed the dinner prep, with the help of Roo. After indulging in his amazing Christmas roast we were so very grateful for his culinary skills and food selection.
Gifts from family & friends
Finally, time to open up gifts received from family & friends. The Amazon kids’ wish lists worked a treat once again with them receiving toys, clothing and vouchers that they wanted. It was wonderful to have been able to swap gift packages in person with my family ahead of Christmas – especially after not seeing them for so long due to the pandemic.

Santa’s gifts
Truth be told both What the Dad Said and I had gathered the last of the wrapping paper and started to settle down for the day. However, Roo politely pointed out about an hour later that Santa’s gifts were still underneath the tree – oops! Having always taught/explained to the children that Santa only brings one gift (and not the most expensive or flashiest one either). We had completely missed them sitting there. After a good giggle about it, all the kiddies finally opened their last gift.
Bringing the Christmas gift opening marathon to a close, whilst it can feel like we are prolonging the merriment with the children it does, to us, feel like a much more festive way to enjoy the day – rather than everything opened at once and then us all scattering to open/enjoy the things we have been treated to.

Christmas failings
I don’t think that there is a day that goes by where we have at least one thought about how we could have done something, said something different etc. Those wonderful coulda, shoulda, woulda moments. Christmas is no different although often highlighted more if you look on social media to see how others are celebrating, families on TV shows etc.
Festive limitations
We knew albeit late in the day, ahead of Christmas that there would be somewhat limitations on our family festivities this year. Thankfully being ahead of the game having things wrapped etc really did help us out. We all would have been lost without What The Dad Said this Christmas, he is our rock, our chef, chief battery operator etc. Tirelessly putting finishing touches to things and being on call for everything our small but busy family needs.
Another Christmas without family
Another Christmas has passed without family and friends and while it feels somewhat normal for us to celebrate on our own – it doesn’t mean that we don’t miss the other side of life when an extended family was something that was there for our children. Through choices, circumstances, decisions, excuses and pandemics our family circle has decreased to just us. Something that gives me pauses to think about our failings on this subject but more so over the holidays. I’ve failed my children by them not having that support, love and everything in between. But I am unable to change others decisions and choices – something I have slowly accepted as time has gone by.

From our house to yours – Merry Christmas
However you celebrated, to whoever you were with, I hope that you had a ‘simply having a wonderful Christmas time‘. Enjoy the funny Twixmas days ahead, ready for the New Year.
From our house to yours – Merry Christmas!