A close up of a sign

Boo Roo and Tigger Too {June 2016}

July 3, 2016

I say this every month but I honestly have no idea where the month of June has gone. The children returned to school following half term and now suddenly we are on the countdown to the summer holidays. I’m looking forward to having them home for the summer, so many trips and days out are planned.

Boo Roo and Tigger Too {June 2016}

A close up of a sign


It’s been a difficult month for me. My Granny passed away and it’s kind of knocked me for six. The distance between me and my family suddenly feels even further. It’s hard knowing that should anything happen to my Mam or anyone I might not get home in time and it’s really playing on my mind.

In other news, I finally might be getting somewhere in regards to my day job. Management has finally made decisions on the future of my job and I’m currently awaiting confirmation of what they have agreed.


A little girl wearing a hat

After weeks of rehearsals and learning of songs she finally performed in her school play. Luckily I was able to catch the dress rehearsal with Tigger and Piglet, whilst Mr. Boo and Magic Nanny went to see one of the evening performances.

Tween grumpiness has taken hold and she is rebelling against having to do chores at home. She’s managed to lose her pocket money entitlement a couple of times because of this and we can only hope that she will realise that she needs to do her share around the house in order to get her pocket money.


A little boy wearing a green shirt

He seems to have settled into school, receiving three certificates in the past month. He has been chatting about some of his classmates which is a good sign as I was worried that he might not be joining in. He also visited High Lodge on his recent school trip, thankfully the weather held and he didn’t get soaked.

At the end of half term, we were lucky enough to be invited to attend a preview of the Skylanders Imaginators game and Tigger absolutely enjoyed it. He can’t wait for it to be released and has already asked for some of the new figures for his birthday and Christmas.


A baby sitting on a table

She’s really becoming so much more inquisitive this past month. She’s trying to grab anything and everything that she can get her hands on. Especially loving pulling my hair at the moment, thankfully it’s not that long that she can get a good grip on it.

We’ve not managed to crack weaning yet, she just doesn’t seem that interested so something to work on this month.

And that was our June, what did you get up to?

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