Boj the new animated TV series on CBeebies (ID 8341)

Boj the new animated TV series on CBeebies

September 1, 2014

Boj the new animated TV series on CBeebies for 3-6 year olds. It follows the life of the main character Boj, who is a bilby – an endangered big-eared bandicoot from the Australian Outback. Boj has arrived in Giggly Park with his musical parents Mimi and Pops (voiced by pop icon Jason Donovan) where they now live in their simple, quirky underground burrow at the heart of their new neighbourhood.


Boj is full of creativity and messy fun. With his improvised Boj-a-boom ideas Boj can solve everybody’s problems, and when Boj gets Boj-ing he builds friendships and bonds the whole community together. The series has inspired kids to get ‘Boj-ing’ at home too, where they are ‘upcycling’ – creating stuff from other stuff – in true Boj-style. After watching the show, young Bojfans are spontaneously asking their parents if they can play with cardboard boxes and other previously unloved old stuff. The Boj Facebook page has been overwhelmed by examples of such wonderful creations.

Here’s a couple of ‘upcycling’ creations to get your little ones started… (To print – click the image it will open in a new page and press print)

Boj is a celebration of childhood. Boj shows us all how to loosen up, be free-thinking, creative, pro-active and resourceful – and ultimately how to put aside our differences and all get along!

Boj is produced by BAFTA Award winning UK studio Pesky Productions in association with Kavaleer (Dublin) and Cloth Cat (Cardiff). The animated comedy series first aired in May 2014 hitting 1.7 million iPlayer views in its first month. The 5-star interactive app-books have reached Top 2 in the global app store charts. 

“It’s a pleasure to be involved in such a well-crafted project. I’m interested in great characters, great stories, great songs andBoj has all those things and more. As a good Aussie dad Pops is very close to my heart and I’m looking forward to that special time before my daughter Molly starts school when we’ll enjoy watching Boj together.” – Jason Donovan

Boj is on CBeebies six days a week in the mornings at 7:30am

For more information please check out the Boj website


To celebrate Boj on CBeebies, Boo Roo and Tigger Too have three Boj children’s t-shirts to giveaway (age 3-4).

Giveaway - Boj

To enter simply tell me what animal is Boj? then complete the Rafflecopter widget below. Optional additional entries are also available.

Closing date: Friday 12th September 2014 @ 23.59pm

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Competition Terms & Conditions:

  1. This competition is open to residents of the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland aged 18 years or over, except for those associated with the production company, their families or anyone else associated with this competition.
  2. All information detailing how to enter this competition forms part of these terms and conditions.
  3. All entries must be received by the advertised closing time date.
  4. Three entrants shall receive a child’s Boj t-shirt, age 3-4 subject to availability.
  5. The winner may be required to take part in publicity.
  6. All prizes are non-transferable and there are no cash alternatives. The prize is subject to availability.
  7. Events may occur that render the competition itself or the awarding of the prizes impossible due to reasons beyond the control of the Promoter, and accordingly the Promoter may at its absolute discretion vary or amend the promotion and the entrant agrees that no liability shall attach to the Promoter as a result thereof.
  8. Boo Roo and Tigger Too is responsible for the first part of the promotion, which is the publication and adjudication of the competition. All other facilities connected with the provision of the prize are the responsibility of the Promoter.
  9. English law applies and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts shall prevail.
  10. Winners are required to make contact within 28 days, if a winner fails to respond a new winner will be selected.

Disclosure: I have received no financial or product compensation for this post – just sharing the giveaway love.

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