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If you’re a parent, you know the true fact that babies love to be carried. And even more than that, babies just love to be held close. It’s a way that they find comfort and peace and feel loved, as well.
And as parents, sometimes our two hands just don’t have the ability to do it all. While you might want to carry around your little bundle of joy with you every step of the day, more than likely it’s just not possible. But the great news? This is where babywearing comes into play!
Did you know that over 30 million babies have been carried in BabyBjörn baby carriers? That is a huge number of babies that have found love and comfort on a daily basis. Plus, they feel the calmness from the rhythmic pattern of the beating heart of their parent. If you’re wondering if babywearing is right for you, rest assured that BabyBjörn has created some amazing products that fit a wide variety of parenting lifestyles.
What is Babywearing week?
Did you know that there is a whole week dedicated to babywearing? It’s true and exciting, all at the same time. But do you really even know what babywearing actually means? It’s an entire week that brings focus to the importance and benefits of babywearing. And this week just isn’t for moms. This encompasses dads and other family members as well.
Anyone who believes in the power of babywearing and anyone who wants to learn more about babywearing should participate in National Babywearing Week. It’s a simple way to showcase the importance of helping your baby feel loved, warm, and happy just by being held close to their parent or guardian.
(This year Babywearing week is September 30-October 6 so be certain to join in on the fun!)
What are the advantages of babywearing?
There are actually many! One of the biggest advantages of babywearing is that it creates comfort and a calming feeling for the baby. It gives them comfort and support knowing that they’re right there with the person that they love.
Along with that benefit, there is also the one that allows a parent to still function in a productive way without having to give up that physical bonding time with their child.
And finally, last but not least, babies who are carried in carriers tend to fuss less, have better digestion and less colic, and feed easier as well.
What are the different babywearing carriers that BABYBJÖRN offers?
This is the best part. BabyBjörn has created three different carriers that truly are a game-changer in the babywearing world.

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Move
This carrier was made for parents who want to incorporate their little bundle of joy into their own active lifestyle. Instead of changing their lives once the baby is born, they’re looking for ways to have the baby join in on the fun, too.
This carrier has great back support that is built-in and also has a waist belt that allows the baby’s weight to be distributed more as they grow. (They get big so quickly!)
The other great aspect of this carrier is that it is adjustable so it can grow with your baby as they grow as well.

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier One
If you prefer to have a baby carrier that aligns with the seasons, this is the one for you. It’s created in a print that appears more playful and has softer colours, making it eye appealing as well as functional.
Built with the same support as mentioned above, the soft fabric also allows for the parent and baby to not have to worry about skin irritants or pressure point issues from the carrier.

BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Mini
Having the word “mini” on the end is the first clue that this carrier is for little babies. And the point of this carrier is that it is designed with newborn babies in mind.
The way that this carrier is crafted is that it allows you to carry your newborn in a c-curve position that feels a lot more natural to them than other positions. And the front of the carrier remains open so you can easily get to your newborn quickly if you need to.
The fabric is super soft to the touch, which is nice for a newborn’s delicate skin. And you’ll also notice that there is less fabric on this carrier so it allows that that important skin-to-skin contact that is imperative for newborns and parents.
Now that you know the best baby carrier products and benefits of babywearing, join in on the fun! Take the time to learn more about the importance of babywearing and pledge to start trying this more with your little bundle of joy.
You just might find that this new method of carrying and bonding is exactly what you and your baby need!
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