ASDA Photo Magnets

Sending Memories with ASDA Photo This Christmas

November 5, 2020

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Sending memories to loved ones near and far inside Christmas cards this festive season with ASDA Photo.

As the festive season approached I always have a list of tasks that I need to complete. From ensuring the 101 school events and activities are on the family calendar alongside work shifts to check for schedule clashes and childcare nightmares. The Christmas present list and festive birthdays too (my family tradition is to have December birthdays!). Planning the festive feast, thinking back to what worked well last year and what was left untouched. The lists go on, however, one task that I do like to complete each year is writing and sending Christmas cards.

Reconnecting at Christmas

Pulling out my trusty address book – yes, I know that I should move into the digital age and have it as an app or whatever but there is something lovely about flipping the pages to read through the names of friends and family, Grabbing the chosen Christmas card selection for the year and sitting down to write greetings of Merry Christmas and sending best wishes for the New Year. With many of the cards going to friends and family members who we only interact with at Christmas so a lovely opportunity to send a little family and life update.

ASDA Photo Magnets

Sharing memories

Given that this year has been somewhat different from anything that we have experienced before. The sending of Christmas cards means so much more this year. With many of us not seeing our nearest and dearest throughout the year. Those memories you might have shared in person haven’t happened which is why adding a little something extra to the Christmas cards this year can help share those lockdown and family memories.

This year alongside the festive greetings to our loved ones I’m adding in photo magnets from ASDA Photo. Adding a little treat and lasting memory that can be enjoyed long after the Christmas cards have been recycled to those we haven’t seen throughout the year for one reason or another.

ASDA Photo Magnets

Creating photo gifts

Looking through our memories of the year to select which photos to make into photo gifts to include within the Christmas cards. With the photo magnets available in a selection of sizes and designs you are able to customise them to match whatever occasion you are looking for. Originally I’d planned to create some Christmas photo gifts but wanted to create something long lasted and can be enjoyed throughout the year. Opting to utilise some of our favourite Instagram photos to share with our friends and family.

Creating the photo magnets was so easy, after selecting the chosen design it was a simple case of uploading the images that I wanted to use and add the required number of photo magnets to my basket. With prices starting at just £1.00 each they make an affordable treat to surprise loved ones alongside their traditional Christmas card greeting.

ASDA Photo Magnets

Capturing memories

Whilst selecting the photos and the design I wished to include in the Christmas cards I looked at the selection of photobooks available and thought how lovely it would be to include all our lockdown memories together. I’ve added this to my New Year to-do list so that I can include all our Christmas memories in there too.

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