A little boy posing for a picture

As you start Year 6

September 5, 2017

Dear Roo

Tomorrow you take the final step on your journey through primary school. Whilst I have no doubt that you understand the importance of the year ahead. I do want you to take the time to make memories, cement your friendships and learn all you can from your teachers. I look back at my time at primary school with such fond memories, from the different teachers who guided me through the early years to the ones who believed that I could conquer the world (although I’m still working on this one). My classmates who kept me entertained and taught me about friendship. To the trips and activities that I took part in.

You have come along way from that small four-year-old starting in reception class (although you aren’t too much taller). With each new challenge, you have risen to it and conquered it as though it was just a stone in the road rather than a speed bump. Relocating and changing schools was the hardest thing you have had to deal with, however, you are all settled and it is as if you have always been at your current school.

A little boy posing for a picture

The year ahead will be filled with the build up to your SATs and be preparing for high school. Both of which are important and will be talked about time and time again. There will be times in the weeks and months ahead when you will question your abilities. Question why everyone is asking so much of you. I need you to remember that you can only do your best and that I am so very proud of you.

Alongside your final year at primary school, you have hopes of being a school ambassador. Wishing to represent your fellow classmates and teachers when visitors come to the school. Undertake assemblies, assist new pupils and parents when they join the school and anything else that is asked of you by the teachers.

You make me so very proud each and every day. The world is yours for the taking, you just need to reach out and take it.

Love Mum x

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