What activities can you do in Antarctica

What activities can you do in Antarctica

July 18, 2023


Antarctica – a cold and icy land with a hostile environment, or a welcoming and thrilling adventure, which will turn your life upside-down? Oftentimes, the White Continent is mistakenly considered a lifeless place, where people barely survive in freezing temperatures and just observe everything from the boat through binoculars. Luckily, the reality is more positive and enjoyable, as the tourist sector has been developing a lot. A trip to Antarctica will turn a passive observer into an active explorer of the continent. 

When embarking on one of the Antarctica Travel Cruises, get ready for the breath-catching beauty of nature, and lots of new experiences in the cold and pristine surroundings.

What activities can you do in Antarctica

close up of antarctica in a globe

Scuba diving

Surprised to see it in the first place? Everyone knows that scuba diving is a brilliant way to get into the world of coral reefs. However, it is also a great pleasure to dive into the deep and crystal-clear waters of Antarctica, exploring the underwater parts of icebergs and marine life, and encountering seals, penguins, and probably walruses. Scuba diving in Antarctica will make your connection with the place much deeper and intimate, as you will get a chance to feel it from the inside, to look at its very core. 

Scuba diving can only be allowed for those who have an Open Water Certification (with at least 20 recorded dives), and if you are willing to go deeper, an Advanced Open Water Certification. 

Whale watching

After an extreme and truly eye-opening scuba diving, you can switch to a more passive activity and just enjoy the performance of whales in their natural habitat. Generally, there are 8 species of whales to encounter in Antarctica – orcas, minkes, blue, sei, sperm, fin, and right whales, and the most sighted – humpbacks. If you are lucky and attentive enough, you will spot all of them.

Take a plunge

If whale watching gave you enough time to relax, you may keep challenging your comfort zone and go to extremes by taking a plunge into cold waters. It is definitely not for everyone, but anyway, it will create really vivid memories for the long years ahead. The plunge can be organized right from the boat, or by dashing into water from the beach. It is better to clarify the options when contacting the tour operator. 

a snow covered mountain beside the sea with a view from a porthole

Hone the photography skills

The beauty of Antarctica will turn every photo into a masterpiece. You just simply need to direct the camera, snap the shutter and the photo perfection is ready. Although we all have smartphones with good cameras, it may be a better idea to bring a camera itself approaching Antarctic beauty more professionally. 

Go kayaking

Stunning landscapes, smiling and happy faces around, calm sea – can there be a better atmosphere for kayaking? It will help you get closer to the marine without the necessity to dive. Oftentimes, kayaking turns into whale-watching, as they like to boast their skills in front of the guests. 

Visit a research station

One of the most popular places to visit is a Vernadsky research station, led by Ukrainians. Their focus is directed toward climate and weather changes. The small groups of tourists are always welcomed by the hospitable scientists, who can show you around the place and explain all the details about their work

Run a marathon

If you are into running, nothing will beat a marathon in Antarctica. King George Island hosts an annual icy marathon for everyone willing to challenge their stamina. Actually, the marathon can become the first reason to come for those, who want to complete a run on every continent. 

gentoo penguins in antarctica


This is one of the most common attractions, as they are the most populous species on the island. Antarctica hosts six species of penguins – Adelie, Gentoo, Rockhopper, Chinstrap, Macaroni, and Emperor. The most common spots for penguin watching are the Weddell Sea and the Antarctic Circle. When embarking on the trip, every tourist is instructed about the basic behavior with them – not to get closer than 10 meters and not to be too abrupt, as it might scare the animals. 

The southernmost bar

If you are holding the list of the most unusual bars for a visit, the world’s southernmost one will definitely outshine all the other options. In the bar, you will be kindly offered a glass of a hot drink to enjoy in the cold surrounding. 

Looks impressive, yet, it’s just a short list of activities. You can contact the Antarctica cruise operator and get to know about the whole list of available options, which will help enjoy the icy desert and live your life to the full. Enjoy your trip!

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