Advice for new mums

March 30, 2015

Becoming a mum can be both an exciting and stressful time. From the moment you fall pregnant you have hopes and dreams of what it will be like to be a parent, to have that gorgeous newborn placed in your arms and live happily ever after. The reality is that newborns don’t come with a manual so each one is completely different and will challenge you in different ways. Even with my two children I have noticed the difference in how they were as a baby, toddler and now as children.

Back in January I shared with you my golden nugget of advice for new mums alongside a fabulous competition from SMA Nutrition looking for other mums to share their golden nuggets of advice for new mums. Ten lucky people were chosen to film their golden nuggets, whilst all of them showcased really useful advice for new mums I especially loved these two…

Trust yourself and give yourself time to grow into the wonderful mum you will be. It doesn’t happen over night, it isn’t easy but it is the best adventure you will ever go on. Thank people for their ideas – they give them because they care not to cause distress – but decide for yourself what will work for your family. You are a wonderful amazing mum and don’t let anyone make you feel less than that – Kate Bridge

Put your favourite baby picture next to your bed or on your phone’s screen saver so in the middle of the night when you are getting up yet again it will put a smile on your face and give you the kick you need to carry on. – Jen Kilfoyle

You can see all the winners advice over on the SMA Nutrition YouTube channel

Do you agree with the advice that the winners have shared? 
Do you have any advice you would share with new mums?

Disclosure: This post is brought to you in collaboration with SMA Nutrition

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