A close up of a flower

A step in the right direction

April 22, 2015

When I was a teenager I would walk miles each day, aside from getting the bus to school I walked everywhere. Over the years I have slowly started to walk less and less. That was until I had Roo and Tigger I then upped my walking as it would soothe them in the pushchair plus it got me out of the house and burning off some of the excess baby pounds.

Since the beginning of the school year I have relied upon the car much more as it is impossible for me to drop Tigger at pre-school, Roo at her school and get myself to work on time in a morning. This September however the children will be in the same school so there is little excuse for us not to walk the school run, especially on beautiful days like we have been having recently.

In order to take a step in the right direction those lovely people over at Hotter Shoes asked me to take a look at their active range to choose a pair of shoes to help get me back walking. With many different styles and colours to choose from it was a difficult decision to make but in the end I opted for the Star Shoes as they not only looked comfortable but came in a wonderful plum colour.

A bag of luggage sitting on top of a grass covered field

Hotter Shoes – Star Shoes

Arriving within a day or so of ordering I was very happy to take delivery of my new Hotter Shoes from the courier. Tigger did ask if the package was for him, ‘no they are Mummy’s new shoes and they are purple!‘ I replied.

The next day I popped them on as I got the children ready for school and immediately my feet felt comfortable, supported and I had an extra bounce in my step.

A group of shoes on the ground

After dropping the children at pre-school and school I headed to my favourite walking spot at The Waterways. Setting off on a stroll around the pathways, over the bridges and through the gazebos I was able to take in the calmness of the water. Looking over the beach, out to Scroby Sands ans watching the sun rise up through the sky it was a great way to get back into walking.

My new Star Shoes provided a soft, comfortable platform in order to walk upon as I made my way round the paths. The funky contrast of plum shoes with pink stitching and sole gives that little pop of colour. With shoes this comfortable I have no excuse not to head out for a walk.

A little boy that is standing in the grass

Wednesday’s Wardrobe

Join Boo Roo and Tigger Too, Emma and 3 and Frugal Family celebrating all things clothing, shoes and accessories in our weekly Wednesday’s Wardrobe linky – please add your fashion related posts to the linky and share the love by visiting other bloggers who have joined in.

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A close up of a sign

Disclosure: I received a pair of Hotter Star Shoes FOC for the purpose of review.

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