As a parent it is quite easy to have a blinkered approach to the back to school rush. Generally we tend to think of shoes, uniforms and new school bags as all we need to buy for our children returning to school. Poundland however think differently, they believe that parents should be taking a more holistic approach to the new school year. Thinking about the bigger picture of what goes into everyday school life than just a new uniform.
So for my latest Poundland Ambassador challenge I was given four main areas to think about, hopefully making me think about the daily essentials and how I can make everyday savings.
Lunch Box

I wondered whether to take lunch box literally and just buy a lunch box and possibly a water bottle and then move onto the other parts of my challenge, however I then thought about what I include in her lunch box every day. So for just £6.00 I managed to get the obligatory lunch box and water bottle along with 100 sandwich bags. They also had a great selection of snack bars to include in her lunch box, 24 bars in total that’s most of this after term covered.
Pencil Case

Roo has inherited her love of stationery fro me, what’s not to love about a nice new pencil case like this extra large one. It will come in handy to include the Minnie Mouse pens and highlighters, stapler and mini notebooks. Different colours pens are a must have, you never know when you will need that yellow pen! plus the mini notebooks are going to come in handy for spelling tests.

I was surprised to see that Poundland sold socks, as someone who throws away all of Roo’s white socks and replaces them every September I was pleased to see it wasn’t going to cost me as much as it does normally. The packet Roo selected had a free pair so we got 3 pairs of frilly white socks for just £1.00!
I’m sure I’m not the only mum of a girl who will tell you that they go through lots and lots of hair accessories over the school year. From lost hair clips, broken hair bands and misplaced bobbles. I was really impressed with the 20 piece school essentials hair set, with a selection of different bobbles, hairclips and hair bands it represents good value for money. Roo spotted a gorgeous red spotty flower hair clip, that can also be used as a bobble or pin badge and as it was her school colours I agreed to buy it.
Clean The Kids

Gone are the days were children were washed once a week on a Sunday night ready for school on a Monday morning. Honestly I have no idea how they managed to wait until Sunday for a bath! my children could never stay that clean. First in my shopping basket was some nail brushes, I don’t know about your children but Roo seems to bring home half of the school field under her fingernails (yuck!). As it is the beginning of the school term I thought it best to restock the first aid box as Roo has a reputation for accidents at school. Now personally I don’t think that any home should be without a tube of Germolene+, not just for its fabulous healing properties but I really do love the smell. Along with a few other essentials, sleek and shine shampoo in a vain attempt to help Roo’s fly away hair and lip balm to combat the wintery winds on her walk to school.
All in all it was great to think of the back to school shopping as a full picture not just the uniform and where I can get another term out of her school shoes. I managed to get so many supplies and all for just £20.00 I’m impressed and will be stocking up on more lunch box treats and probably hair accessories after these ones end up who knows where.
Whilst we were shopping I spotted a sealed money box (one that you can only get your money out by using a tin opener), and wondered whether this would make a great reward tin. I asked Roo what she though about using this tin for her raffle ticket reward money (she earns 10p for every raffle ticket she gets at school for spellings, reading quizzes, good behaviour etc), she agreed it was a good idea and that she could save her money up for next summer to spend on holiday.

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