A close up of a flower

A beginners guide to planting your own veg

May 29, 2016

I may have mentioned once or twice that we now have a garden. Not having had our own garden before and not being particularly green fingered I’m keen to learn some new skills this year. Mr. Boo has already had to learn how to cut the grass and trim the edges. Whilst most of the garden is just turfed there is a section that looks like the previous tenants used it to grow their own vegetables and 

Whilst most of the garden is just turfed there is a section that looks like the previous tenants used it to grow their own vegetables and herbs which have inspired me to grab some gardening gloves, pick up a trowel and learn how to plant my own vegetables. I’ve come across this infographic from Ecoscape which I’m hoping will help me on my gardening learning curve.

A beginners guide to planting your own veg


Disclosure: This is a collaborative post

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