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Job interviews – What’s your funny story?

September 12, 2014

With issues at work recently it has started to make me wonder whether I should take the leap into the unknown and find a new job. After 9 years with the same Trust and 7 of those years within my current role I am a little nervous about going through the application and interview process after so long.

Thinking back to when I have attended interviews in my past, Jobs Today have challenged me to come up with my funniest/most embarrassing interview story. I’m one of those people who can never think of anything positive to say about myself but can happily reel off a list of negatives including talks to much (honestly can you imagine that I talk too much? – if you have met me you stop laughing!). The only funny thing I can think about my own interview experience has to be when I was asked why I wanted to make the move from the catering department to finance at my local hospital – I responded with ‘I’d like to use some brain cells as it doesn’t take very many to butter bread‘. It did land me the job and thankfully introduced me to my best friend Lou.

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Photo Credit: Graela via Compfight cc

However, the funniest interview story I have to share with you comes from an interview where I was responsible for conducting the pre-screening tests. The interviews were for an information analyst so the candidates were asked to complete a number of online data entry jobs and analyse some data from a spreadsheet

I set this particular candidate up on the computer opposite me and started my timer. About half way through the allocated time I noticed he looked a little puzzled, so I asked him if he was OK and was their anything that I needed to explain to him.

‘Well the thing is I’ve done something to the screen and I’m not sure how I’ve done it or how to fix it’

When I walked round to his computer he’d managed to turn the contents of the screen upside down! We had a good giggle about it and I even nicknamed him Mr Australia (thank goodness for Google and we managed to work out what he had done and how to correct it).

After the interviews, my manager asked me for my opinion of the candidates and said that I thought Mr Australia was very calm under pressure (obviously I had to share the hilarious situation with her) and luckily for him, it landed him the position. I suppose it goes to show it’s not all about how you perform within interviews and tasks but how you handle the situations you are put in.

Do you have a funny or embarrassing interview story?

Share it with me below…

Disclosure: This post is brought to you in collaboration with Jobs Today.

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