Sounds4Summer Concert

June 12, 2014

During Roo’s time in Year 2 she has taken part in the school choir, this makes me proud as I too was a member of my school choir when I was at school and really enjoyed going to visit the different places to perform.

Until last week the choir had going performed in front of the school and for the local elderly community at Christmas and Easter. Last week however it was a big night for both Roo and the rest of her friends, they were invited to take part in the Great Yarmouth Schools Music Association Sounds4Summer concert.


Joining together with school through our local area they took it in turns to sing, bang drums or play the recorder. I know I am biased but Roo’s school did amazingly, you could hear them clearly throughout the large church and we were enthusiastic about the concert with their dance actions and big smiles. Tigger really enjoyed the concert too, clapping and shouting ‘bravo’ at his big sister as she left the stage to sit down.

For the grand finale all the schools joined together on the stage and sang so beautifully together, I was one proud Mummy!

Sounds4Summer - St Nicholas Church 
(Excuse Tigger he was tired as it was passed his bedtime)
Whilst walking home in the evening sun Roo popped on her sunglasses, turned and looked at me and said with a big smile upon her face…
Sounds4Summer - Roo

‘This must be how Katy Perry feels when she comes off stage’

Linking up with…
3 Children and It   Hex Mum

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