Monthly Goals April 2022

Monthly Goals | April 2022

Each month I highlight my monthly goals, partly to make myself accountable for the plans, tasks and goals that I include. But also in the hope that it inspires you to make a little list of monthly goals that you’d like to achieve for the month ahead. Helping you realise that you achieve more than you possibly give yourself credit for.

The first quarter of the year has gone already, but the brighter days and hopefully warmer weather are now on the horizon. The clocks have leapt forward for Spring and we’re now enjoying the longer evenings of British Summer Time. March is always a funny month as some years we have Easter celebrations, whilst others like this one it is merely the month in the middle of half-term and Easter.

How did I get on with last month’s goals?

The brighter days have in part inspired me to tick things off my to-do list. A somewhat Spring cleaning feel to my mood and motivation. Although like most people when starting a task at home, got waylaid on to other things. Let me update you on my March monthly goals.

Home: Lounge refresh

Plans to update our lounge have stayed as exactly that. Plans. I have combed through various sites for curtains, cushions, prints and accessories so that I have a like of things that I like. Funds at the moment don’t stretch to make purchases at the moment, but at least I have a list at the ready.

Family: Exploring new places

Sadly, we have failed to broaden our horizons this month and explore somewhere new. I could use the excuse of the rise in fuel costs etc. but simply we have been content with pottering around at home.

Blog: Clearing the drafts

Working my way through my drafts folder has been somewhat therapeutic this month. Finding posts I’d forgotten about and just needed a few things to complete. Whilst others have been scrapped and removed making it easier for me to see the content I’m working on and plans for the coming months.

Monthly Goals - April 2022
painting of a bunny beside yellow flowers
Photo by Olya Kobruseva on

My plans and monthly goals for April

Fingers crossed that April does not bring its share of April showers and the weather remains warm and welcoming. As I sit down to think about my monthly goals for April I am conscious that we have the children home for a little over two weeks for the holidays. Already wrapping my head around the prospect of limited time to complete any larger goals or plans.

Home: Gearing up the garden for summer

After Storm Eunice, one of our fences was blown over and knocked over some of the items within the children’s play area. The fence is now fixed and we hope to get the garden back into order for the summer. What The Dad Said out with the grass feeder, whilst I hope weather permitting to scrub the patio and pathways.

Family: Oh I do like to be beside the sea

A postponed trip to Blackpool from the February half-term holidays is planned for the beginning of the month. With an array of attractions and activities planned. I’m hoping that we will all enjoy the fun of being beside the sea.

Blog/Work: Emails, emails, emails

Having spent the first few months of the year focusing on blog tasks has left me fighting fires when it comes to my emails. I need to disconnect and reconnect my email account as I think I have an issue with it as I clear a section of them off and suddenly a new batch appears. Not sure why it’s not pulling them through as they arrive but fingers crossed by dedicating some time to it I can get everything sorted and up to date.

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