Get ahead of Christmas - 8 things you can do now

8 Things you can do now ahead of Christmas

November 4, 2022

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Christmas will be here before we know it and sometimes it’s a good idea to try and get ahead so that you don’t feel pressurised when it comes to the big day. However many of us are really unsure of what we can actually do now ahead of Christmas. With that in mind, I wanted to share with you some of the things you can start doing right now that will make sure that you are prepared and ready for the big day. You’ve got this!

How to get ahead of Christmas

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Buy cards and write them

One of the biggest people is that people can have when it comes to Christmas is Christmas cards. Some people still love to send Christmas cards but if you leave it until the last minute you run the risk of forgetting someone or the card not arriving in time due to the busyness of the Postal Service. A great tip is to start buying packs of cards right now and writing them out. You don’t have to send them straight away but you could have a pile ready to go for the first week of December. 

Stock up in wrapping paper

Another great tip is to stock up on wrapping paper right now. Many of us will have been there at the last minute looking for appropriate Christmas wrapping and everywhere is sold out. Buying a couple of rolls of wrapping paper right now and storing them away means that you are ready and prepared for when you start buying those gifts. Which “hint hint” you could also start doing right now.

Take advantage of the early stock up in supermarkets 

Many of us will moan that the supermarkets are already stocking up on Christmas food and drinks. While this can seem too early for anyone he wants to be organised you can start buying a few things right now. A tin of chocolates, a bottle of wine, tins of your favourite soft drink, and lots of snacks, are all things that you can stock up on right now and store away ready for the big day.

Work out your budgets

Christmas is an expensive time for most people and so it might be a good time to start thinking about what your budget might be. You can think about budgeting for food, gifts, decorations, and or the festive treats that you might feel you need to pay for ahead of the big day. Having a budget in mind ahead of time means that you can seek out bagging and also help spread the cost.

Check your Christmas decorations

While it may seem too early it might be a good idea to start looking through your boxes of Christmas decorations. Whether they are stored in the loft, the shed, or the basement, check what decorations you have, all of your lights, and see if there are any replacements you might need to get or if you fancy adding to your Christmas decoration collection. Doing this now means you’ve got plenty of time to seek out the things that you want or replace anything that has broken or is suddenly not working.

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Declutter kids toys

If you have children no matter what their age Christmas is a time where more things come into your home. So it’s a great idea to declutter your children’s toys or things ahead of the festive period. This gives you a chance to sell unwanted things to make some extra money ahead of Christmas and also frees up some space for any new things that might be received on the big day.

Declutter the rest of your home

It isn’t just the children’s items and toys that need decluttering you might also want to look at your own drawers wardrobes and rooms in your home to see if there is anything that could be depleted. Again you could look to sell these unwonted things online or give them to charity.

Write a list to tackle the cleaning 

Finally one of the biggest jobs that any of us have to do ahead of Christmas is the big clean of your home. Whether you want to do this before you put your Christmas tree and decorations up or if you just want to have the assurance that your home is clean tidy and presentable for guests and any drop-in visitors that you might not necessarily be expecting it is always a good idea to schedule in a deep clean.

We all know that tackling your whole home all at once is a big task. So write a list down of every job you would like to be done and try and tackle a few things each week ahead of Christmas. Whether that is cleaning out your fridges and freezers, the big oven clean, or just ensuring that your home is spotless knowing what needs to be done helps you to stay accountable and on task.

Hopefully, these tips will help you to get ahead for Christmas.

Win a Wrapping Paper Storage Bag

To help you get ready ahead of Christmas, we are lucky enough to have a wrapping paper storage bag to giveaway.

PRIZE: Wrapping paper storage bag

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