Little Hattie Peck loved eggs – big ones, small ones, speckled ones. All she wanted as an egg of her own.
One day, Hattie left her cosy coop to go on an adventure to find all the abandoned eggs in the world. And find them she did!
But what will happen when they hatch?[/box]
Written and illustrated by Emma Levey
Published by Top That Publishing
Poor Hattie Peck loves eggs, however after only ever laying one of her own that never hatched. After thinking and dreaming about eggs left her feeling sad she decided that if she couldn’t lay another she would head off in search for all the forgotten eggs in the world.
Join Hattie as she sails the storm seas, dives deep into the ocean, searching through villages and caves all in search for her beloved eggs. After finding all the forgotten eggs she heads back to her coop with a mountain of eggs to sit upon, as the days and weeks went by suddenly there was a hatch! scratch! tap! the hatching of her eggs had started.
Find out what Hattie does with all the eggs of the world once they have hatched.
Boo Roo and Tigger Too’s thoughts…
Roo being a sensitive soul was a little sad to hear that Hattie Peck only ever had one egg and it never hatched, but I reassured her and we continued with the story and it was lovely to see Roo’s face light up as she listened to how Hattie had decided to find all the forgotten eggs in the world.
Whilst the story is a charming one I do feel that it has a hidden meaning, in that just because Hattie wasn’t able to have her own eggs she loved all the forgotten eggs and this in turn made her very happy. It is one that Roo and Tigger probably won’t understand until they are older but hopefully they will remember this story when they come across life’s lessons.
Priced with a RRP of £6.99 it is a charming book with some beautiful illustrations that is well worth the price tag.
Available direct from Top That Publishing, Amazon and all other good book retailers.
Disclosure: We received a copy of Hattie Peck FOC for the purpose of review.
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