Hilton Cambridge City - Boo Roo and Tigger Too

Ellie Taylor, Joules and Making Memories #LittleLoves

August 27, 2021

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I’m not ready for the summer to be over just yet! The countdown to back to school has begun and whilst I know the kiddies want to see their friends etc. I want to keep them to ourselves so we can enjoy more family adventures together. Alias this can’t happen and I need to be thankful for the lazy summer days we have had together.

This month’s #LittleLoves…

Each month I share my #littleloves, a chance to reflect on the things that I have read, watched, heard and heard. As well as highlighting what I’ve worn and any other highlights in my life. It’s not about the big things, it’s about all those small little loves that make up everyday life.

#LittleLoves August 2021


Given that I’m in the midst of the school summer holidays I wasn’t sure I’d have the opportunity to read as often as I have this year. However, having fallen into a routine of reading on an evening once Piglet is in bed has enabled me to keep working through my ever-growing reading list. Making the most of different book series this month to keep up my interest and am determined to squeeze in an extra chapter or two.


With the children at home for the summer and bedtimes much more relaxed we have made the most of family film nights. Re-watching the Mamma Mia films and working our way through Disney+ and Netflix family films.

Having enjoyed being back in the INTERLUDE in the CLOSE big tent last month, the fun has continued this month. Taking the children to see Sarah and Duck (which gave Piglet the chance to catch up with Erin from Me, Him, the Dog and a Baby) and StrongWomen Science.

Whilst I was treated to a hilarious night in the big tent with my best friend watching comedian Ellie Taylor. Becoming a mother has been the best and worst thing in her life, sharing some side-splitting views on parenthood. I loved it so much that I ordered Ellie Taylor’s My Child and Other Mistakes book from Amazon the next day. Plus we’ve booked to see Jenny Éclair at the Norwich Playhouse in October!


I can’t say that I’ve worn anything special this month, although I have added some beautiful Joules sweatshirts to my birthday/Christmas wish list after seeing their new range in the Norwich Joules store.

Other than me drooling over Joules prettiness t has all been about back to school shopping this month – From the supermarket essentials of polo shirts, trousers and pinafores. To the much more exciting purchases of a Frugi Toasty Trail jacket, school bag and water bottle for Piglet. The small way, in which the children can showcase their personalities, colour preferences and interests.

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We didn’t realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.

Winnie The Pooh, A.A. Milne


The summer is all about making memories. Whilst I don’t buy into the whole ‘you only get eighteen summers with your child’ philosophy, I am aware that time with the children can slip through your fingers. So making the most out of every day is important. Again it’s not about the grand plans or adventures, it’s about playing video games, snuggling on the sofa to watch films, sleepovers in siblings bedrooms and making cakes in the kitchen.


Friends are the family you choose to be in your life, which can often provide more support than actual family members. This month I have been thankful for those friends who laugh along with my craziness, look out for the children and are ready to wipe away the tears, offering their arms as a safe haven when the world around feels too heavy to bear. To each and every one of those people I’m fortunate to call friend, thank you x

Don’t forget to share your #LittleLoves over on Twitter or Instagram

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