#LittleLoves July 2021 - What The Dad Said

Summer holidays, school reports and the end of lockdown #LittleLoves

July 30, 2021

Time for this month’s #LittleLoves – Goodbye school runs, uniforms and packed lunches and a warm welcome to the summer holidays! July is always a funny month as in the first half I’m frantically attempting to tie up any loose ends before the school summer holidays. With the latter part of the month adjusting to having the children at home – although our recent 18 months of life in lockdown has made this transition much easier. Now I just need to ensure that I have planned enough activities, bought enough food and the British weather is kind to us.

This month’s #LittleLoves…


The end of the school term signals school reports for each of the children, with the addition of Roo’s Yr9 mock exam results. As ever I’m a proud mama bear when it comes to my children. Each with their own personality, strengths and weaknesses as well as attitude to learning.

  • Roo naturally talks alot (I can’t imagine where she gets that from), is always happy to help but can be difficult to engage with on subject that don’t hold her interest.
  • Tigger has a logical approah to most things, excelling in maths and reading. However, struggles with his writing and creative activities suh as drama, messy play or anything that puts him centre of attention.
  • Piglet is engaged, inquisitive and happy to learn anything new. A flair for the dramatics when theings don;t go her way, she hurts herself (the smallest bumps included) or sees others doing something that they should not be doing.

Life is a learning process so as long as they are engaged in learning and are happy then that’s all I can ask from them.


Whilst I am the first to admit that I am not much of a football fan, it was sad to see England fall at the final hurdle. After watching the match as a family (sans Piglet) I was appalled by the way the Italian side played, with bad tackles and shirt pulling. Regardless of being English or not, I don’t feel that the best team won and it was unfortunate that it went to penalties.

The theatre is back! With Norwich Theatre Royal once again showcasing Interlude In The Close. Held at a new venue this year, we have been fortunate to see Wind In the Willows and So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs. With the action and shows continuing throughout the summer, we have a few more shows on our calendar.


On the whole, I have been staying away from the Coronavorus news briefings, however, even I couldn’t shy away from the news that lockdown restrictions were easing. Depending on your viewpoint the world around us is opening up, face masks for the majority of establishments become optional and businesses can aim to trade as they once did before all this happened. Whilst I have had my two COVID-19 vaccinations I’m not sure how I feel about the news. Life in lockdown can’t continue forever, but will everyone rush to return to normality too quickly and set us all back again?


When the sunshine you’ll usually find me squinting in the sunshine or hiding in the shade. However, this year things will be a little different as I have finally bought myself a pair of prescription sunglasses. In the past, I have tried reactive lenses as well as my usual style of glasses with a sunglass tint, but I haven’t liked the way they look. Whilst I was picking out new glasses I spotted a pair of actual sunglasses that could be made with prescription lenses. After trying them on I loved them and now I’m wondering how I managed to go this long without a pair.


With Tigger about to enter his last year of primary school, I felt it was time to give his bedroom a bit of an update. By changing his old cartoon comic strip style curtains and bedding. Switching them out for black curtains and a matching black/green gamers duvet set. His bedroom looks more in keeping with his personality, colour preferences and hobbies.


Schools Out For Summer! Just like that, another school year is over. Piglet has completed her first year in primary school. Whilst Roo has had a taste of what it’s like to sit exams with her Yr9 mocks. Now is the time for us to regroup, have some fun, watch movies, play video games and make memories.

Don’t forget to share your #LittleLoves over on Twitter or Instagram

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