So, you’ve decided to become a mummy blogger or a daddy blogger and blog about your children and family life. Congratulations! You’re about to start your exciting online blogging adventure. You’re probably wondering how to go about getting started, what to write about and what not to write about, worrying about online safety, and so on. Here are some tips on what to share when it comes to blogging about kids and what to leave out to ensure a safe, fun, and rewarding online blogging experience.
Funny stories that identify your child by their name
When you just start out blogging, it may be tempting to share all funny stories. It’s okay, to an extent. You wouldn’t want to one day look back in retrospect and wish that you had used pseudonyms instead of your children’s real names. If the funny story is embarrassing, don’t add in every single detail and use different names. This way you can avoid your children growing up and feeling exposed, thus resenting your writing.
Watermark your photos
By watermarking your photos, you can prevent people and companies from reposting them without asking your permission. Usually, when something is marring your image, a company will be less likely to repost the image.

Everything your kids ask you to post
Your children may beg for you to post pictures of them, but rather than posting all the time- only do it about 1% of the time as you’re still the curator. This way you will be protecting your child from becoming a target, there have been situations where bloggers’ children are mentioned by name and are torn apart in forums. Avoid this situation.
You don’t have to document every single moment
There are times when you and your children may do something silly together, rather than immediately trying to document it- live in the moment and keep it for yourself rather than share it with the world.
Avoid sharing things your children would find even remotely embarrassing
While you may feel that people relate that have experienced the same thing, you will eventually experience outrage from online trolls. While your children are young, from newborn to age 3, their lives are all pretty generic- with the crying, screaming, not sleeping, and pooping. However, as your children get older and their personalities start coming through, begin to withhold more.
Staged photos that your children wouldn’t want to pose for
Children won’t really want to participate in sponsored content that involves manufactured experiences- so don’t make your children get involved in something that makes them uncomfortable.

Perfect photos
It’s damaging and disingenuous to people that go to blogs and see perfect photos of families and think “what’s wrong with me?” when in reality those perfect photos took hours to get right. So focus on being real, rather than perfect- this way your children won’t have a mentality of “everything must be perfect” because life is not always sunshine and rainbows.
Unflattering photos
When your children are younger, it’s okay to have looser boundaries because the behaviours of babies and toddlers are pretty universal. But as children age, they begin to develop their own personalities and lives. They begin to have social media presence and their friends are online. You don’t have to ask your children permission every time you post about them, but if you take a picture that they prefer not to be on social media, make sure to make them aware that they should let you know. And if your children want something removed, just put it down.
Sponsored posts
If you’re approached by a brand that wants to use your children’s photos, firstly ask your children for permission. If they agree, offer them some form of compensation for it, and only if they want to. They have the option to say no, and if they do, don’t try to convince them otherwise.
Don’t share EVERYTHING
It’s one thing to share personal stories and experiences that are related to your children, but it’s a whole other thing if you start sharing all. It can be particularly embarrassing for your children, especially one day in the future as they get older. Also, be careful which stories you choose to share- it’s okay being open about the ebbs and flows of marriage, your choice as a mother, even late-term child loss… but sharing all can become taxing on your relationship with your spouse, and with your children.

Don’t share your location
Don’t share your location, especially if your children are there at a given time. It’s already enough that your photos and names are out there, which is a risk that you need to be aware of that you’re taking. But, never geotag your location and avoid taking photos that include signage of where you are that would tip off someone of the exact place where you are located or live.
Paid opportunities that go against the rules that you set
Once you have rules set, stick by them. Don’t just accept any opportunity because of money, so don’t change your boundaries because of monetary reasoning. This would give your children the wrong idea, plus it means that you can’t keep to your decisions.
The world of mommy bloggers keeps growing, and there’s no sign that it will be slowing down any time soon. As time goes by, mommy blogging continues to become more popular. So, if you’re thinking about starting your own mommy blog, stop thinking and start now. There is no better time than right now.
You will have the freedom to share what you’re passionate about and what you love with other people, and if it’s don’t in the right way- mommy blogging would make a great side-hustle or even full-time career eventually that will be earning you a decent income.
By following the above advice you will be putting yourself on the fastest path to success.