How To Breathe New Life Into Any Room In The House

How To Breathe New Life Into Any Room In The House

December 23, 2020

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We all have that one room in our homes that when we walk into we think how much we dislike the look and feel of it. Having a room in your home that you don’t love can have a huge impact on how you feel about the space. The good news is that breathing new life into any space and making more out of it, is far simpler and easier than you might think. 

Wondering what steps you can take to revive and refresh a space in your home that you don’t enjoy being in? Have a read of the tips and advice below – there’s plenty that you can do to ensure that you are able to make more of any space within your home. Read on for everything that you need to know. 

Ways you can breathe new life into any room in your home

A lot of the time when we dislike a space in our homes, we cannot put our finger on exactly what the issue is. However, more often than not, the space that is disliked tends to be packed full of clutter, which can have an impact on how you feel about it. That’s why it’s worth taking the time to declutter the space and make more of the room that you have. Decluttering doesn’t have to be a complete nightmare, it is just a case of taking the time to slowly and methodically work through the entire room, clearing out anything that you no longer want or need. 

How to breathe new life into any room in your home

Add greenery 

When it comes to breathing new life into a space, adding greenery is an important step to take. You would be amazed at the difference a few potted houseplants from Fig & Bloom can make to the look and feel of a room in your home. Adding greenery to a space has a big impact on how you feel about that space, so it’s important to take the time to consider adding a few houseplants to any room that you don’t love. 

Deep clean 

It might also be worth taking the time to deep clean any room in your home that you don’t love. Sometimes, when a room looks a little grimey, it can put you off of using and enjoying the space; which is where a deep clean can come in handy. You can either opt to do this yourself or you can hire a cleaning expert to come in and conduct the clean for you. 


Sometimes, when you dislike a space within your home, it’s simply because you don’t like the layout of that space. That’s why it’s worth taking the time to consider reorganising it and changing around the layout of the space, instead of disregarding it completely. Sometimes, a simple swap around of the furniture can make a big difference to how you feel about a space, so it’s worth taking the time to move things about and see if that makes a difference. 
There you have it, a few useful tips and suggestions for ways in which you can breathe new life into any space.

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