Kathryn Freeman Romcom Collection - Up Close & Personal

Up close and Personal, summer holiday and waylaid jobs #LittleLoves

July 31, 2020

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This month’s #LittleLoves… July always feels like a split month, the first half with life semi-normal with schoolwork to be completed. Whilst the second half, once school is out for the summer, feels completely different. A somewhat more relaxed way of life with a focus on fun and laughter.

There have been some difficulties this month, however, this post is all about sharing the little loves rather than the doom and gloom of reality.

This month’s #LittleLoves…

Each month I share my #littleloves, a chance to reflect on the things that I have read, watched, heard and made. As well as highlighting what I’ve worn and any other highlights in my life. It’s not about the big things, it’s about all those small little loves that make up everyday life.

#littleloves - The way to read a fairy tale is to throw yourself in


I have been making an effort to switch off from work and my to-do list on an evening. Setting this time aside to indulge in some self-care with my Kindle Paperwhite in hand. As the month draws to a close I’ve managed to read 20 books. Although my to be read list keeps growing, I need to attempt to find a way to restrict myself until I have at least halved it.


With my focus being on my reading list my TV viewing has reduced. Although I did enjoy watching the Ocean’s Eleven film series with the children on family film nights this month.


I treated myself to a pair of Bluetooth earbuds for my phone to enable me to listen to some audiobooks. I’m not too sure how well I’m doing listening to the, I find my mind drifting off and I feel as though I have missed part of the storyline – which no doubt would be a key segment.


Tigger and Piglet wore their school uniform for the last time this school year. Luckily Tigger only had to war his for an afternoon as it was looking a little on the small side. It was lovely to see them in their uniforms – Roo never had the opportunity to return to school since the March lockdown so I must get her to try on her uniform to see what does and doesn’t fit.


You know those days when you start one job but end up getting waylaid on another. That’s what happened with Piglet’s bedroom. I can’t even remember what I was supposed to be doing in the first place. However, I ended up rearranging her bedroom to give her more floor space to play and interact with her toys.


We are attempting to make the most of a socially distanced summer with family adventures and day trips. A slower pace to the holidays than we would normally enjoy but I think it might even work out better for us.

Here’s to the summer!

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