A group of people posing for a photo

The Month That Was… April 2020

May 1, 2020

Our first full month of lockdown is completed, something which I think we have managed to adjust to. Of course, there are the days when we are longing for the outside world. Able to head off on family adventures and see other people other than our own little family unit. Although I’m not quite sure I’m ready for the world to return to ‘normal’ just yet. Slow and steady wins the race rather than rushing too soon.

The month that was… April 2020

A person standing in front of a brick building

Boo and What The Dad Said

Whenever I think about our lives at the moment I have a huge pang of guilt. With What The Dad Said working more than usual and a varied shift pattern too. It means that he is missing out on having the children at home to some extent. They are certainly missing him when he heads out for another shift. It’s difficult for me to him so tired and exhausted whilst I am for the most part just at home with the children. My work has slowed considerably over the past month, which is worrying but I’m taking the time to complete long overdue tasks.


Thank goodness for technology enabling her to keep in touch with her friends. I think they are all used to me randomly popping up in the face time chats to say hi. The Easter holidays provided her with a chance to chill out, binge watch Netflix boxsets and endless hours of TikTok. Whilst she might not always be happy about completing her school work. She does knuckle down and get it done – “the sooner it’s finished, the sooner you have the rest of the day to yourself” I keep telling her.

Roo has been inviting her siblings to have sleepovers in her bedroom. A complete novelty for them, especially Piglet. I’m not quite sure Roo loves it (especially after getting kicked out of bed by Piglet and sleeping on the floor for two hours) but she knows that it brings joy to her siblings.

A group of people posing for the camera


I could quite easily forget that Tigger is home as he is so quiet. Although he gets more vocal around his sister – mainly because they are winding him up and getting on his nerves. I think he is enjoying his days at home, the chance to do a mixture of activities each day rather than having to cram things in around his usual school hours and after school activities.

For Easter, we upgraded his Android tablet for an iPad as he is really into his coding and we have found more coding apps that are iOS compatible. Not to mention that he has loved doing some of the Today At Apple sessions at our local Apple Store – so hopefully we can book some more of these once lockdown is over.


My little social butterfly is missing the outside world. Her teachers and classmates, as well as seeing our friends and loved ones. I’d completely forgotten about the reception class places being announced this month. Thankfully Piglet gained a place at our local school and will be going Tigger (hopefully) in September.

We had some doorstep photos taken earlier this week, so was so excited to see people other than our familiar faces. She is enjoying time playing at home, whether it is with her Baby Annabell dolls or her siblings. But, boy can she be bossy towards them. total diva!

How did you find April?

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