Working with Kids: 5 Qualities Every Teacher Should Have

August 30, 2019

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If you have children already, you will know only too well how much love, attention, and care they need. If you are interested in pursuing a career working with kids, having the right skills and qualities behind you can help you flourish in your role. Whether it be knowing how to communicate effectively, or having enthusiasm for the job, here are five qualities every teacher should have.


Having a strong passion and desire for making a difference in each and every child is one of the most important qualities you should have as a teacher. When working with kids, having enthusiasm for your role and wanting to make changes can help keep you motivated, driven, and successful at your job. Many children face all sorts of obstacles throughout school, so paying close attention to each child in your classroom can really make a big difference.

A close up of a toy


Every child is different, and if you’re working with young children, you can’t expect them all to be on their best behaviour all the time. Many kids have short attention spans, so it’s important that you stay patient and calm with your class. There are various ups and downs that you will face throughout the day, but seeing the kids you teach flourish will make it all worthwhile. Once the school day is over, it’s important that you give yourself time to relax and unwind, helping to reduce stress levels and ensure you’re ready and raring to go for the day ahead.

Communication Skills

It goes without saying, if you can’t communicate effectively with children, it’s likely you will fall at the first hurdle. As you will be in charge, knowing how to address your class is crucial, helping to bring order and calm into the classroom. You will also need to know how to communicate with the child’s parents too, which can help you further understand their needs, problems, and skills. 


Understandably, you need to have a wealth of experience and knowledge behind you before going into the classroom. If you’re a parent, you will naturally have a lot of skills needed to become a teacher, however, it’s important that you gain the right qualifications as well, providing you with tons of valuable skills that you can utilize in the classroom. You may want to consider studying for a special education degree online, especially if you’re hoping to go into early childhood teaching and want to work with kids from all different kinds of backgrounds.

A close up of a bottle

Friendliness and Approachability

If a child is struggling at school, you may find that they’re hesitant to come to you for help. With many children being shy and reserved, it’s important that you display a friendly and approachable demeanour, helping the kids in your classroom to feel more comfortable and relaxed around you. Understandably, you will want the best for your class, so being there to listen to your pupils’ needs is important.

Whether you plan to teach in kindergarten or elementary school, there are a wide range of skills and qualities that you must possess before going into teaching. Having enthusiasm for children, being patient, knowing how to communicate effectively, as well as having knowledge and passion for the role are just a few key traits that every teacher should have.

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