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Blogging 101 | When Is it Time to Hire a Virtual Assistant for your Blog?

June 4, 2019

It’s hard to make the decision to let go of the reigns when it comes to your blog. The idea of hiring a virtual assistant to help you with your blog may sound scary, overwhelming and uncertain. After all, you worked hard to get this blog off the ground and now you’re debating whether or not to allow someone else to handle some of the tasks involved with maintaining a blog.

While the idea of hiring a virtual assistant for your blog may sound like an odd step, it’s actually quite common for blog owners to hire an assistant.

When is it Time to Hire a Virtual Assistant for your Blog?

A laptop computer sitting on top of a table


The first step in determining if it’s time for you to hire a virtual assistant for your blog is to determine what your business budget looks like. While you may not have a lot of money to designate to a virtual assistant, there’s a lot to think about when it comes to affordability than just being able to pay a virtual assistant.

Consider how much more money you could make if you had time freed up by having an assistant handle some of the more tedious tasks on your list. Evaluate all of the financial data to include how income will increase when having a virtual assistant as well as what you can afford to start with when it comes to hiring a virtual assistant for your blog.

Determine Return on Investment

Now that you’ve figured out how much you can afford to pay a virtual assistant for your blog, its time to think about your return on investment. Dig a little deeper into what tasks you would be comfortable outsourcing to an assistant.

Figure out how much time these tasks will free up for you so that you can focus on other areas of investment for your blog. What type of return on investment will you get from hiring a virtual assistant for your blog? Will they be able to boost your revenue simply by helping to complete specific tasks? If yes, then it may be time to hire a virtual assistant for your blog.

A desk with a laptop computer sitting on top of a table

Are you Mentally Ready?

Last, but not least, the key to knowing if it’s time to hire a virtual assistant for your blog will ultimately depend on your mental ability to handle outsourcing tasks that you’ve done since the beginning. Hiring a virtual assistant is a hard decision because you’ve worked so hard to build this blog and may fear that an assistant won’t have the same passion and drive for your blog that you do.

You truly have to figure out if a virtual assistant will help increase revenue while also understanding whether or not you’re able to allow them the free reign to get work done in the best possible way.

Hiring a virtual assistant for your blog is something that many bloggers have started to do as a means to free up time for them to travel, pitch brands, and do other tasks to help build their blog. It’s honestly a fabulous thing when you’re ready to hire a virtual assistant for your blog because it means you’ve built a successful empire that now requires a little assistance to maintain while growing.

Photo Credit: unsplash-logoDaniel Fazio unsplash-logoKevin Bhagat unsplash-logoOli Dale

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