A little girl sitting on a table

What are the benefits of your child going to pre-school in London?

January 14, 2019

It’s a complicated decision choosing childcare and deciding which is the best preschool in Wandsworth. Personally I didn’t know where to start when looking for the right preschool to send my son. There are lots of emotions involved which sometimes makes it a difficult decision to make. Understanding what the benefits of sending my child to preschool certainly helped with the decision making. So I thought i’d share some of these tips with you to hopefully make the decision making simpler and less stressful:

Your child has his own personality at the age of 3 or 4 and is very much their own person. They have likes and dislikes and a personality that is developing every single day. Using words to express emotions which means he is able to express how he is feeling without the tantrums that come with frustration, although the moods are still likely to change from one moment to the next he is still more likely to talk about feelings that have an emotional breakdown.

Children like structure and routine, which is why preschools are ideal, they follow the early year’s foundation (EYFS), preschool staff are also trained to provide a safe and stimulating environment for your child to express themselves.

Children are developing their social and emotional skills from a very early age, these skills influence the child’s mental wellbeing, now and in the future. And how do they do this? By building important relationship building, with parents, and early childhood staff. One statistic shows that children who start attending preschool from the under the age of two go on to form better relationships at primary school. Children that spend three years plus in preschool education advance their academic attainment by up to a year over those whose parents kept them at home until the age of five.

A little girl sitting on a table

Preschool stepping stone

Mixing with other children will better equipped your child for the big wide world and when starting school will have an easier transition. Having already spent time in preschool this will help your child to adapt to different environments. By being more confident with social skills they will feel more secure, and it also provides confidence when interacting with adults.

Pre school will not only help with your child’s social skills but will help with basic tasks such as washing his hands or putting toys away that they no longer want to play with them and importantly taking turns. Preschools in Finchley will set expectations of behaviour when they attend school.


Playtime at the the best preschool in crouch end is where the fun and learning really begin to take action. Play is extremely important for your child’s development, it will give your child the opportunity to play as part of a group or one-to-one with a member of staff.

Ideally you want your child to not be obsessed with watching tv, so it’s important to encourage them with activities inside and outside. An active toddler is likely to remain active later. There doesn’t tend to be tvs in pre schools. To develop muscle control, balance and coordination, physical play is vital.

A little girl sitting at a table

Benefits to parents

Looking after children is tiring at times especially after a rough nights sleep, however, nursery practitioners have the benefit of having a decent night’s sleep. They enjoy their work and are even paid to change nappies. They are experienced in reasoning with child tantrums and clearing up food or paint from messy play time. Parents can feel relaxed in the knowledge that their children are having lots of fun at pre school and will feel more relaxed after having a break, which can surely only be a good thing for parent and child.

Pre-school educators often witness children’s behaviour in a different light from vasts of experience. This gives you confidence that the childcare provider can be relied upon to offer constructive advice and opinion on the development of our children.

Being a single parent, financing pre school was a worry. However there are a number of options that can help you finance your child’s visits to pre-school. It’s certainly worth while checking if there is any help available to you. Below are a few options you could look into to help you make the decision:

  • It’s worth checking with your employer to see if they provide child care vouchers, why not give the HR department a call to check and see if this is an option. Some employers will provide childcare vouchers, so check with your human resources department to see if you can get help. For example on the maximum voucher allowance a 20% tax payer would save £77.76 per calendar month, or £933 per year. 40% and 45% are both £51 monthly and £623 yearly
  • Some parents may also be entitled to tax credits when using approved or registered childcare through tax credits. The maximum award is 70% of what you pay or 70% of the maximum childcare costs depending on your eligibility
  • All three-year-olds and four-year-olds in the UK are entitled to a minimum of 10 hours of free early education for 38 weeks a year. Some two-year-olds are also now eligible, but this will depend on your income status.

If you still are unsure about sending your child to a preschool in London why not arrange a visit to Wandsworth preschool or any other location like Finchley or Crouch End Preschool. They allow you to arrange a visit so you can get a feel for the environment, staff, learning and activities which they will be offered as this is the most important thing to consider.

A plate of food, with Art

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