Be it a rainy day or those awfully long holidays – staying stuck inside can get boring pretty easily, especially for your kids, and if those groans of “I’m bored” are all you seem to hear, here’s some help.
Read on to discover the 7 best things you can do to keep your kids entertained when they are stuck indoors.

Get Cooking
Let’s start with the best one – everyone loves food and making food together as a family can be a great way to connect with each other as well. Look up some simple recipes that you can make with your kids, or even better – host a cook-off with two teams at home to take things up a notch!
Make it a Movie Night
One of the simplest and easiest things you can do to keep kids occupied and spend some time with them, relaxing is to pop a big batch of popcorn, get out some good kid-friendly movies, and make it a movie night. Sure, the screen time is a downside, but we’re not telling you to do this every day now are we?
Camp Inside!
Who says you need to get outdoors to camp? Build a fort right inside your home, turn off the lights, and get inside the sleeping bags. Don’t forget to tell campfire stories, toast marshmallows and do everything else camp-style!
Get Out the Board Games
Don’t underestimate the power of board games when it comes to keeping your kids busy- get them out and watch them spend hours playing them without getting bored. Another plus with this one is that your kids will probably be so hooked you’ll find them using their devices less and spend more time playing these games.

Have Some Science Fun
What could be better than having your kids enjoy science with some cool experiments? Get your hands on with science with kitchen ingredients book or look up simple experiments online and host a science show for your kids! Not only will it teach them loads, but will also get them more interested in science.
Get Creative
Stuck indoors? Now’s the perfect time to get out those crayons, paints and pencils and get artsy! Look up some cool DIY projects that are age appropriate for your kid or just have them draw and paint whatever they feel like- unsupervised play at its best! Who knows? You might have a budding artist right in your home.
Dance Party Time
Who says you can’t party indoors? Play dress up, get yourself and your kids ready, put on some good music, grab some snacks and have a crazy dance party at home- dance like no one’s watching, host a karaoke- you get the drill.

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