Chances are that today’s housewife is also working full-time so that when it comes to doing chores around the home, it’s like being on overtime at work. More and more women are joining the workforce, which leaves little energy or time to do routine housework that seems to sit there left undone. Interestingly, there are some cool technologies that can help with day-to-day living and make life a whole lot easier on mum.
1. Robot Vacuum Cleaners
One of the funniest inventions in recent years is that robot vacuum cleaner that simply rolls around the floor picking up dust and debris in its path. Many consumers buy one simply to keep on hand as a conversation piece but a busy mother with little ones leaving a trail of crumbs in their wake truly appreciates making vacuuming a breeze when she finally gets around to it.
2. Wi-Fi Controls for Water Heaters
Most consumers realize that water heaters are the second largest consumer of energy in the home, using up to 20% on heating and reheating the water to a set temperature. Knowing this, many people systematically unplug their water heater so as to save water when not in use. Certain brands now have Wi-Fi controls with an app on their cell phones that can not only monitor the temperature in the holding tank but can turn it on and off based on how the homeowner uses water. It’s an interesting technology that saves the consumer money on their energy bill and makes it easier to turn it off and on with little human intervention.
3. Smart Toilets
One of the most unpleasant chores for anyone whatsoever is cleaning the toilet to eliminate foul odors. Smart toilets release deodorizers when the sensors detect unpleasant smells. If you hate cleaning and deodourising the bathroom every week, a smart toilet is the best way to keep the room smelling fresh and clean in between, making those routine cleanings a whole lot more pleasant (if at all possible).
4. Wireless Lighting
According to Phillips, a global leader in lighting technology, there is no reason your lights shouldn’t be connected to the Internet just as you are. With a connection through reliable ISPs such as AT&T Internet, your lights can be controlled remotely, set to dim and brighten at certain times throughout the day and you can even turn them up from your cell phone while on your way home. Don’t want to arrive home in the total dark? This is the best solution because timers only work when you set them to function but with wireless lighting you can control them as you want, making life a whole lot easier.
5. Smart Fridge – Smart Oven Combo
If you want to make chores a whole lot easier on yourself, a smart fridge, smart oven combo is the way to go. Samsung and LG currently have models on the market that work hand in hand with each other. The fridge has a tablet on the door that allows you to connect to the Internet to get recipes, control the temperature of both appliances, and turn them on and off. And, as a smart device, if conditions are unfavorable to the settings you have programmed in, the device can actually warn you.So you see these are just a few technologies you could take advantage of if you are looking to make your life easier when it comes to chores. The best part is that this area of technology is just beginning to be explored. One day homemakers may not need to do anything but sit in front of a monitor telling the appliances what to do.
Wouldn’t that be nice?
So you see these are just a few technologies you could take advantage of if you are looking to make your life easier when it comes to chores. The best part is that this area of technology is just beginning to be explored. One day homemakers may not need to do anything but sit in front of a monitor telling the appliances what to do. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Disclosure: This is a featured post, although look at that technology – I need that fridge and smart toilet in my life!
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