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Living Arrows Week Sixteen {2015}

April 20, 2015

I think we are all guilty of taking what we have around us for granted. We are very luck to live on the coast, so close that I can see the sea from the end of my road. Roo’s school is just a stone throw away from the seafront, I even park on the seafront during the school run.

The long winter has made us take for granted the beauty that we have right on our doorstep so with the warmer weather and blue skies over the past week we have stopped on the seafront after school to enjoy the world around us. Taking a walk around The Waterways the children have enjoyed watching the ducks swim by, looking over at Scroby Sands and run up and down the various bridges and pathways.

This past week I have seen the children be children, they have run, they have laughed and they have enjoyed the fresh air.

A person standing in a park

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth – Khalil Gibran

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