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Have I made the right school choice?

July 18, 2015

My little Tigger starts school in September. It doesn’t seem two minutes since I was worrying whether I was making the right decision about moving him from day nursery to pre-school. The transition was really easy and looking back I really had no reason to worry.

Now that he is starting school I’m not worries about how he’ll cope with the change but more whether I have made the right school choice for him. Come September he will be joining Roo at her junior school as it changes to a primary school alongside all the other schools in our area.

Having them both at the same school was my deciding factor when the registration papers arrived last October. However, now I’m thinking that I should have left him at the school where he attends pre-school as I don’t feel that Roo’s school are ready for reception aged children.

A number of hiccups have already made me question my decision to send him to her school. From delaying the reception class start date, rearranging the new parents evening to meet the teachers, opting to have the children start less than part-time hours for the first week to a poorly organised teddy bears picnic for the children to meet their new teachers. Whilst I’m sure the teachers they have employed are wonderful they are new, unfamiliar with the school and haven’t filled me with confidence about the school year ahead when I have had the opportunity to talk to them about Tigger.

I’m worried that I have place convenience ahead of Tigger’s education. The other school has had many, many reception classes and are all set up for four-year olds, they follow on from the work achieved within the pre-school, pushing the children to learn to their potential rather than lumping the children together assuming they are all at the same level.

Unfortunately there is a waiting list at the other school and the chances of getting a place are slim. Maybe Roo’s school will pull it out of the bag come September and my worries will be unfounded. I really hope that I’m proved wrong but I really don’t think that they are ready for a class full of four-year olds.

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