Book and Review

I Love You Near and Far {Book Review}

April 12, 2015

I Love You Near and Far

I know that we live far away, far apart.
But I can still love you with all my heart.

So, wherever you live – if it’s near or it’s far…
I will love you wherever, wherever you are.

Written by Marjorie Blain Parker
Illustrated by Jed Henry
Published by Sterling Children’s Books
ISBN: 9781454905073

A close up of a book shelf

We live in an age now that it is rare to have all of your family living within easy reach of each other. Many families have at least one or more family member living away, whether it be in the same country or somewhere further a field. The story of I love you near and far helps children understand that no matter the distance between them and their loved one they are still loved very much.

The beautiful illustrations within the story help bring the story to life and paint a picture of things that you can do to keep in touch and celebrate once you are all back together again.

Boo Roo and Tigger Too’s thoughts…

With both mine and Mr Boo’s parents living away this book was the perfect way to show Roo and Tigger that no matter how near or far family are they love them all the same. The book houses some great suggestions on ways how to keep in touch from letters, online chats and even a map of the world with photos of family added depending on where they live (this is something I really want to do for Roo and Tigger).

A truly wonderful book to help children that having family living away.

Price and Availability

Available from Amazon and all other good book retailers for £6.45

Disclosure: We received a copy of I Love You Near and Far FOC for the purpose of review

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