A person in a pink shirt

Parents Evening – Year 3 {Spring}

April 14, 2015

Just before the Easter holidays it was that time of the year for parents evening. Now I have to confess and say that I usually don’t go to parents evening, not because I don’t want to but for childcare reasons – Mr Boo works long hours and we can never seem to juggle things so that he is home to have the children whilst I pop over to the school.

This time round as luck would have it Mr Boo needed to move his day off due to a meeting so I was able to attend Roo’s recent parents evening.

Now I’m going to be big-headed here when I say that I have no concerns about Roo’s school work, she is a head down and get on with it kinda girl. I do however have concerns about her emotions as she can be quite a sensitive girl. This was something that her teacher brought up as when she is getting a bit sure of herself and he asks her to settle down he can see that this upsets her but doesn’t want her to take it to heart.

As predicted she is performing at the very top-level for her reading, her spelling and even her maths. She is enjoying sports, something I wanted to send a message back to Mrs B as she has really brought Roo out of her shell when it comes to getting involved in sports and whilst she isn’t the greatest she is enjoying just taking part.

Overall Mr W has no concerns about her school work, she is always willing to help another classmate or a teacher with anything. We just need to work on her emotions – not quite so easy to fix.

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