
My Favourite Christmas Song – Mama Mummy Mum

December 8, 2014

Chantelle blogs at Mama Mummy Mum and is a SAHM to 4 gorgeous girlies and a wife to a very outnumbered husband. She’s a social media addict who loves to read, drink wine and eat cake. (winning combo).

Mama Mummy Mum

What is your favourite Christmas song?

Step Into Christmas by Elton John

Why is this your favourite Christmas song?

This is a Christmas song that will always have so many memories attached to it. I remember it being one of the first Christmas songs that I ever listened to with my dad when I was younger and now as a mum it is a song that my daughters and I love dancing and singing along to together. A true classic.

This Christmas song does always get me singing along – thank you Chantelle for a fabulous sing-a-long Christmas song.

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