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As we head into the autumn and winter season rainy days are going to become more prevalent, but being snuggled up inside can have it’s benefits, for one, it gives you the perfect time to sit down and discover something new. Not only will you learn a new valuable skill but you’ll also have a surprising amount of fun doing it. So here are 5 things you could learn the next time the heavens open and you need an activity to do at home.
1. Learn how to code
From analysing data to building websites and everything in between, code is the digital language (or many digital languages actually) that keep the online word working. Python, HTML, CSS and Javascript, those names may, at first, sound a bit like made-up words but they’re in fact just four of the different programming languages you could learn with Code Academy. Code Academy offers a number of online coding courses, many of which you can get started with for free! So put your thinking cap on and learn the language of the future.

2. Learn to use something on the Adobe Creative Cloud
The Adobe creative cloud is a collection of Adobe programs that are all a part of any creatives heaven. From legendary illustrative software Adobe Illustrator, to design favourite – Adobe Photoshop, Photographers bible – Adobe Lightroom to Videographers holy grail – Premier Pro. Adobe allows creatives to dream bigger, so if you’re feeling inspired then sit down and get to grips with one of their many programmes, or if you’re wanting to go to the next level, then check out Adobe Captivate Prime, you can find out more about it through this review:
3. Learn how to use a DSLR camera
For a budding photographer, there’s no better use of a rainy day than getting to grips with the many functions, buttons and programmes of a DSLR camera. DSLR stands for Digital Single-Lense Reflex and provide you with better quality and control than traditional point and shoot varieties. Take a look at some online videos to see how to set the camera up and then the best way to learn is to simply get snapping. A rainy day can provide the perfect backdrop for some moody shots.
4. Learn a new language
With the evolution of Apps and the internet, it’s never been easier to learn a new language and you can now do it from anywhere in the world from your smartphone. Apps such as Duolingo make it simple to learn over 30 different languages, and if there’s something more specific you’re looking for, then the chances are you’ll find an audiobook on it through Audible. ‘Learn French With Paul Noble’ offers a great introduction to speaking French and provides a great companion on a lonely rainy day.

5. Learn how to knit
If being cooped up at home makes you want to keep your hands busy then try learning a new skill, such as knitting. Knitting may be something you associate with your grandma but programmes such as The Great British Sewing Bee have really put creating your own clothes back in the limelight and pulled them into the 21st century, what’s more, you’ll be the envy of all your peers if you can knit your own unique scarves and hats this winter.
So what will you try on your next rainy day?
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