A person standing in front of a brick building

Mowing the lawn with Flymo – I can do it too!

September 16, 2019

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It’s only in the last few years that we have had a garden to maintain as well as a house and of course, the children. I hold my hands up and admit that I’m not very green-fingered, which is a good thing really as I tend to come out in a rash whenever I hand freshly cut grass or hedges etc. Luckily What The Dad Said has taken to maintain the garden in his stride.

With the children often asking to help him as he prepares to ensure that the patio is weed-free, as well as the lawn plus ensuring that the hedges are trimmed. The majority of the gardening tasks are ones that they can get involved with. However, when it comes to mowing the lawn that is an adult-only task – that was until Flymo contacted us to see if we would like to test drive a new lawnmower – plus one for Piglet too!

An orange motorcycle parked on the side of a building
A group of mower

Flymo Turbo Lite 250 Hover Lawnmower

Designed for small gardens the Flymo Turbo Lite 250 uses a 100w electric motor to float on a cushion of air whilst cutting the grass.

Key features

  • Folds for storage
  • Can be wall-mounted
  • Easy to carry
  • 10m electric cable
  • 1400w motor
Lawn and Mower

What we thought of the Flymo Turbo Lite 250 Hover Lawnmower

Easy to assemble with instructions included allowing you to quickly unbox and cut your lawn. The spacing blocks included allowing you to adjust the cutting length. This is relatively easy to complete with the spanner included. Light and easy to use, it doesn’t come with a grass collection system. So you will need to go back over your lawn with a rake to collect the grass cuttings.

Where to buy the Flymo Turbo Lite 250 Hover Lawnmower

The Flymo Turbo Lite 250 Hover Lawnmower is available to buy from Amazon and all leading garden retailers.

A couple of people that are standing in the grass

Casdon 730 Flymo Toy Lawnmower

What better way to encourage the children out into the garden to help with chores than with their own Flymo replica toy lawnmower.

Key features

  • A toy replica of the Flymo lawnmower – just like the real thing!
  • Famous dome-shaped design with the iconic bright orange & grey colouring with Flymo logo stickers
  • ‘Click’ sound when pushed along the floor or lawn
  • Easy to assemble with a two-part handle
  • No batteries required
A young boy holding a football ball

What we thought of the Casdon 730 Flymo toy lawnmower

Easy for little ones to push along beside mum or dad as they cut the grass. With the click sound making them feel as though they are helping. The iconic dome-shape and colourways make this replica toy lawnmower look and feel just like the adult version.

Where to buy the Casdon 730 Flymo Toy Lawnmower

The Casdon 730 Flymo Toy Lawnmower is available to buy from Amazon and leading toy retailers.

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