42 Days of Summer #Sweeet

August 13, 2014

We are already into week three of our summer holidays, how did that happen? 

Summer holidays are a funny time, the first week or so you are looking forward to a break in the usual routine of life. The chaotic school run is forgotten and replaced by lazy mornings in your PJ’s watching movies and munching on BN biscuits (hands off the Raspberry they are mine!) before deciding to don some clothes and venture outdoors. 

By the middle of the holidays you are wondering where the first few weeks went and bit of blind panic creeps in when you wonder whether you are going to cram in all those wonderful things you had planned.

The last few weeks are a mixture of making sure you have everything ready for back to school and exhaustion. I’m not sure about other families but we quite like routine and a break from it is nice but only for so long. Listening to ‘I’m bored’ from either one of the children really starts to wear thin after hearing it on repeat since you woke up.

With a whole 19 days of our summer holidays already passed us by I think I have reached the blind panic stage. So far we have managed to do quite a few activities opting for the have a busy day, have a quiet day alternating so that we still get a chance to refresh our batteries. The weather up until a week ago has been on our side which I think really helps the summer holidays go well.

We’ve so far managed trips to Redwings Horse Sanctuary, Festival on the Farm, local trips out to SEA LIFE Centre and museums. With our bathroom renovation we have struggled to get out in the yarden so we’ve been den building, picnics on the floor with sandwiches, crisps and BN biscuits, movie afternoons with the  curtains closed to make it dark and cosy, dress up games, discovering toys that they haven’t played with in forever and dare I say playing games on the computer (yes I am one of those Mummies who pop their kids in front of a computer game). 

42 Days of Summer #Sweeet

With Roo and Tigger enjoying two weeks at Granny’s house they have so far been treated to bowling and meals out, along with visits to family who they only get to see once or twice a year. When they come home however I am off work until they return back to school so I hope to cram in lots of activities and treats as I am missing my babies. 

The last week of the holidays is when we usually go away as a family and this year we are really busy with a day in London, a visit to the Harry Potter World Studio Tour, two days at Legoland with a trip to our favourite Thomas Land the day before they go back to school. I think we’ll all be pleased to return to school and work for a rest 🙂 

What have you been up to so far in the summer holidays?

What do you have planned to keep the kiddies occupied for the remaining days/weeks?

This post is an entry for 42 Days of Summer Linky Challenge sponsored by McVitie’s BN. Learn more at http://bit.ly/1mRpMCL.

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