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Businesses have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic and everybody has been forced to change the way that they work. While we don’t necessarily know what the long term effects of the pandemic are going to be, it’s likely that businesses will rethink the way that they do things moving forward. Many people have been forced to work from home and although that’s a tough transition, people adapted well and businesses are starting to realise that working from home can benefit everybody.
Downsizing your office
As a business owner, it’s important to keep costs down, especially at the moment while the current situation makes things difficult. You’ve probably found that a lot of your employees can work effectively from home, which means that you could downsize your office. This will save you a lot of money and make things more flexible for your employees. However, it’s important that you handle the transition in the right way. Here are a few important tips for downsizing your office after the coronavirus pandemic.

Invest In Remote Working Tools
If remote work is going to be a long term solution for your business, it’s vital that you invest in the right tools. Your employees need access to documents and information, so cloud storage is a must. Project management tools are important as well because communication issues are more common when everybody is working from home.
There are some great tools that help to track progress and ensure that everybody is on the same page. Other communication tools, like video conferencing software and live chat, are also effective.
Use Storage Spaces
Renting a storage unit is much cheaper than renting an office, so if you have things that you need to keep but don’t use on a daily basis, like old paperwork, you should hire an off-site office storage unit instead. This allows you to work from a smaller office space without compromising on storage. You can also use a storage unit to keep furniture and equipment from your current office so if you decide that downsizing your office isn’t the right option, you can easily go back to the way things used to be.
Look Into Coworking Spaces
Coworking spaces are taking over the traditional office for a lot of businesses because they’re a great way to save money. If the majority of your employees are working from home, you might only need a few desks and a meeting room from time to time. There’s no sense paying rent on an office that is empty most of the time, which is why coworking spaces are so great. You can rent single desks and meeting rooms on a short term basis, so you only pay for office space when you need it. This is one of the most effective ways to slash your overheads because, if your finances are a bit stretched at the moment, everybody can continue to work from home and when things start to pick up, you can rent some desks a few days a week as and when you need them.
The coronavirus pandemic is likely to change the way that businesses work and many companies are already thinking about downsizing their office. If you follow these tips, you can make sure that the transition is smooth and you don’t damage productivity in the process.