1. What is something Mummy always says to you?
2. What makes Mummy happy?
Being good
3. What makes Mummy sad?
Being naughty
4. How does Mummy make you laugh?
Being silly
5.What was Mummy like as a child?
6. How old is Mummy?
7. How tall is Mummy?
Very tall
8. What is Mummy’s favourite thing to do?
Help daddy and keep after me and Tigger
9. What does Mummy do when you’re not around?
Watching TV
10. If Mummy becomes famous, what will it be for?
Being kind
11. What is Mummy really good at?
Making Tigger laugh
12. What is Mummy not very good at?
Being moody
13. What does Mummy do for her job?
Help people at the hospital
14. What is Mummy’s favourite food
Yorkshire puddings
15. What makes you proud of Mummy?
Making me kind
16. If Mummy was a cartoon character, who would she be?
A Disney princess
17. What do you and Mummy do together?
Go to Pizza Hut
18. How are you and Mummy the same?
We just look like the same
19. How are you and Mummy different?
I haven’t got a ring from daddy
20. How do you know Mummy loves you?
Because you just love me
21. Where is Mummy’s favourite place to go?
Pizza hut

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